“My Believies”

They may not be perfect, but they’re mine. 

Sam Hutchings
Lessons I’ve Learned
2 min readOct 16, 2013


Earlier today, I recieved my daily email from Simon Sinek. It included a mantra that I have believed for a few years now. I tweeted the following:

Instantly, I get replies saying ‘You have to find the balance between the two” or “You have to compromise” or “You won’t say the same when you have ‘commitments’”.

This is true. Life is not perfect, and we have to find the balance between what we want and what we have. But… Should this mean we dash our dreams? No. Should we be aiming for less? No!

My Beliefs

I’ve had a post drafted for a few weeks that included a list of my beliefs. I’ve been umm-ing and arr-ing about whether to hit ‘Publish’ since I wrote it. This mornings Twitter conversation made my mind up. So here it is, a living list of my beliefs (in no particular order):

  • Taking a job for cash is not as important as taking a job for joy.
  • Help whenever you can, with whatever you can.
  • The user/customer should be at the heart of everything you do. Their experience matters. You could change their life.
  • The message we convey is important. How we convey it is just as so.
  • Education is broken, on the whole. We should be embracing technology, indivuality and personalaity, not stifling them.
  • People are weird. We should embrace each other’s differences. Those differences are what bring joy and colour to the world.
  • Technology helps. It just needs to be applied correctly.
  • Politics is broken. The majority don’t know what they’re voting for, and the minority aren’t a fair representation.
  • If you focus on Degrees and Graduates, you’re missing a lot of talent.
  • Not everyone works best between 9 and 5.
  • I am NOTHING without the people around me.
  • Learn something new every day, apply it the next.
  • Network. Network. Network.

I say a living list, as this will change as time plods ever onward. New beliefs will be added, old ones removed, and others changed and evolved as I learn more and more.



Sam Hutchings
Lessons I’ve Learned

Currently writing about design. Previously written about technology and customer support. Find me @Smutchings or at www.samhutchings.co.