How To Stake Your $IBY Tokens On NFT.Rage.Fan

Excited about the Olympics? We definitely are! We are raising the adrenaline bar higher by presenting you with an opportunity to bet your friends on your favorite sport and get more rewards through the NFT Staking Reward Program with Rage.Fan.



$IBY Staking on NFT.Rage.Fan

All you need to do is to follow these simple steps:

  1. Enter
  2. Stake your $IBY
  3. Accumulate points
  4. Redeem your favorite NFTs using those points.
  5. Earn reward in $IBY and $RAGE


Max. $IBY staked per wallet: 20,000

Points per $IBY staked: 1/$IBY/Day

  • Flexi Staking — as the name suggests will give the users the provision to unstake $IBY at any moment. Points are acquired for every second you remain staked.
  • Instant Rewards — is based on Fixed Staking and the users get all the points upfront. However, the token remains locked for the selected duration of time.

Each NFT will have attributes: This is the most important information. You can calculate the $IBY and $RAGE you can earn if you own the NFT and your selected country wins a medal. The points allocation is based on the performance of each country at the 2021 Olympics.

Ready, set, action!

Follow these steps to stake your IBY and gain your favorite 2021 Olympic team NFT which will generate a pretty generous yield for you!

Step 1:

Enter the dapp here —

Step 2:

Connect your wallet to the Dapp.

Step 3:

Make sure that your MetaMask wallet and Dapp are on the Ethereum mainnet
If not, you have to switch it. Follow further on how to do it!

Step 4:

Now you need to select which token you want to stake in our case it’s IBY.

Step 5:

Stake desired amount of your $IBY token (min. 2000, max. 20000).

You have 2 options: Flexi Staking Option and Instant Rewards Option.

Let’s see what every one of them gives you!

Flexi Staking — as the name suggests will give the users the provision to unstake $IBY at any moment. Points are acquired for every second you remain staked.

Instant Rewards — is based on Fixed Staking and the users get all the points upfront. However, the token remains locked for the selected duration of time.

Well done! Your tokens are now safely staked and your rewards are generated!

Enjoy your staking and don’t forget to give us some love on our social media!

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Bet any amount with anyone on anything. No limits, no rules, just your imagination.Wrap a bet into a token and enter the exciting world of Decentralized Finance