iBetYou — transforming passive investors into community champions

Published in
2 min readMar 25, 2021
Community Champion Garen

iBetYou is envisioned to be a competitive gaming protocol where participants battle each other with opinions. A bit like the game of chicken where the person with the strongest conviction reigns supreme. Opinions are pitted against each other and persons behind them are transformed from passive holders to active participants where they are actively helping to make their opinion a reality. In practice this means a passive community member is transformed into a community champion, opening up leads, self moderating the chats, making sure that the conditions from his bet are met.

In the world before IBY things were pretty simple, a community member would invest in a token and most likely passively hold it until the desired multiple is met and then sell it. Here and there the more active and adventurous members would help behind the scenes but mostly with “advice and suggestions” but rarely with concrete actions that push the goals or milestones further. And that’s fine, that’s how the world works I guess.

The old ways

Investing is mostly a passive thing in crypto, you read the TA indicators or listen to juju or copy trade against someone and that’s mostly it. There is nothing a single individual can do to move the needle, right?

Well, we believe that once you lock money towards and against a very concrete goal things become real(er). It is really hard to remain passive, for all you know the other side might be grinding and grinding to make sure they or the team they support wins. You cant afford to stay passive if the other side is actively working on your demise. And this is what will move the needle, a very conscious, direct action towards or common goal regardless on which side are you. The best part? This is just one dimension of I Bet You and what it represents. Why don't you join and see if this will be true?

How can you join?If you run a community, have a project or if you are an influencer reach out to partner@ibetyou.xyz and let’s talk on how can you use IBY as a tool.

Important links 👇

🌎 Website: https://ibetyou.xyz

📱 Twitter: https://twitter.com/ibetyouxyz

📢 Telegram group: https://t.me/IBYXYZ

🔔 Telegram announcements: https://t.me/IBYAnnouncements

Telegram marketing: https://t.me/IBYBeyound

📚 Medium: https://medium.com/@ibetyouxyz




Bet any amount with anyone on anything. No limits, no rules, just your imagination.Wrap a bet into a token and enter the exciting world of Decentralized Finance