A step-by-step tutorial on public bets

5 min readJun 14, 2022


After releasing the MVP for public bets, we couldn’t leave you without a tutorial on how to place a public bet 😎

This is a step-by-step tutorial that will guide you through IBY’s public bets dashboard 👇

Step 1 — Get Started

Public bets are the default game mode from now on. To start, go to and you will land on this page. Click on the “Get Started” button.

Step 2 — Connect Wallet

After clicking the Get Started button, this window will pop up. Here, choose your wallet — we will continue with MetaMask.

Step 3 — Public Bets Dashboard

After choosing and connecting your wallet, you will be directed to the public bets dashboard.

Public bets are available on the Moonriver network — even if you are on another network, the public bets dashboard will force you to switch to the Moonriver network.

On the left, we have an Active Bets tab which shows all of the active bets, meaning you can still join them, or you can share the bet link with your friends for them to join.

  • Bet name — the name of the bet, what is it about
  • Expiration date — you can not join a bet after the expiration date
  • Better stake — if you bet that the created bet will happen, your stake will be seen in the better stake column
  • Counter stake — if you bet that the created bet conditions will not happen, your stake will be seen in the counter stake column
  • Category — shows which category the bet falls into
  • Action — you can join the bet or share the bet with others (if you decide to join, you can place any amount of money)

🚩You need MOVR tokens to join or create a bet! (You can get MOVR tokens from these markets.)

Just next to active bets, we have the History tab, which shows personal betting history.

There are the 3 types of status in the history tab:

  • Active — meaning your bet is not expired yet.
  • Refund — meaning your bet has been canceled (check public bet rules), and you can get your refund 48 hours after the judge canceled your bet.
  • Claim — meaning you won the bet, and you can claim your reward 24 hours after the judge decides who won.

Step 4 — Create a Bet

To create a bet, click the green Create a Bet button in the public bets dashboard. After you click it, you will have this window pop up.

Now, let’s create our bet according to the public bet rules. Our bet will be “I bet that 1 ETH will be worth $4.000 by the end of 31.12.2022 on Binance Exchange.”

  • Create the name of the bet — in this case, it is ETH price by the end of 31.12.2022
  • Enter the bet description — in this case, it is “I bet that 1 ETH will be worth $4.000 by the end of 31.12.2022 on Binance Exchange.”
  • Set the expiration date — in this case, it is 31.12.2022
  • Decide whether you want to participate in the bet or not — in this case, we will participate in this bet, and we stake 0,001 MOVR.

🚩 If you wish, you can only create a bet and not participate in it. In this case, you will still have to pay the transaction fee for creating the bet.

After you fill in all the necessary fields, click Next. There will appear the Confirm button instead of the Next button.

Once you confirm it and choose the MetaMask wallet, the MetaMask window will pop up twice.

  • One for the transaction fee of the bet you created, and one for the amount of MOVR you just staked.

After confirming both transactions, you will be led to this page 👇

Please fill in the Google survey — we value your feedback; with your answers, we can improve the IBY platform.

If you go to the public bets dashboard, you can see your bet as an active bet, and it will be there until the end of the expiration date. 👇

Congratulations! You just created your first public bet! 🥳 You can share your bet on social media or personally to friends for them to join as well. What’s left is to wait until the expiration date and hope that you’ll win 🤞

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Bet any amount with anyone on anything. No limits, no rules, just your imagination.Wrap a bet into a token and enter the exciting world of Decentralized Finance