(Re) experience betting — new UX is live!

Easy-to-use betting platform + Walkthrough

5 min readJun 2, 2021


Welcome to the new iBetYou!
Welcome to the new iBetYou!

At iBetYou your experience is everything to us! We know it’s was far from perfect but we go by the old “done is better than perfect” so we decided it was best to ship what we have as is and improve as we go based on YOUR feedback. We took your feedback and re-engineered a lot of stuff and today we pushing out the revamped betting dashboard LIVE. 🚀🚀🚀
You can see it here: https://ibetyou.xyz

We mean what we say! And to highlight once again — you can always send feedback here and get rewarded in the process!🎁


First, you’ll want to navigate to www.ibetyou.xyz and connect your wallet by clicking the “Connect wallet” button in the top right corner.

iBetYou landing page
iBetYou landing page

This is where the magic happens! Once you’ve connected your wallet, you will be taken to our new dashboard, which we redesigned just for you.

New UX dashboard
New UX dashboard

We’ve introduced quite a few new elements, and we’ll dissect them and explain their purpose as we go along.

Navigation menu items
Navigation menu items

You can see 4 items in the navigation bar:
1. Dashboard takes you to the home of our new dashboard, where you can see your total stake and active bets in one place.
2. Create Bet will take you to the new and improved way of placing all your bets. We’ll explore in more depth later.
3. FAQ will take you to a separate page where we answer all of your frequently asked questions. Our aim is to make the process of betting as easy to understand as possible.
4. Logout will disconnect your wallet and take you to the https://ibetyou.xyz homepage.

Explaining active bets section
Explaining active bets section

You will see 5 fields under the “Active Bets” tab:
1. Bet Description shows the object of the bet and all you need to know on how the bet was designed/came to be.
2. Expiration Date shows the date when judges will cast their verdict on the outcome of the bet.
3. Stake shows the amount of staked Matic in each bet.
4. Status codes explain the current state of the bet.
5. Action will show allowed actions within the bet — cancel, vote or claim.

And now for the part, you’ve all been waiting for . . . 🥁 Let’s place our bets!

Placing the bet
Placing the bet

You are now met with a simplified process. We have two input fields.
In “Enter a stake/amount” you input the number of Matic you’ll lock in a bet, along with a field for bet description where you place carefully crafted bet conditions. This clarifies the bet for all those involved. For the sake of this tutorial, we bet you that we can push even more UX changes within a month. 😉

Setting the value and crafting the bet conditions
Setting the value and crafting the bet conditions

As we are pushing the changes within a month, we’ll change the bet’s expiration date from “no expiration” to one month from today, so July 1.

Setting the bet expiry date
Setting the bet expiry date

Looking good!!! One last mental runthrough if you want, and then all that’s left is to confirm.

Double-checking everything is in place
Double-checking everything is in place

A Metamask prompt will now ask you to confirm the transaction. You can still back out if you are having second thoughts. But if you’re sure of yourself and the choices you have made (and we know that you are), then just take a deep breath . . .

Confirming the bet!
Confirming the bet!

. . . . and hit that Confirm button. This brings up another screen asking you to confirm the stake of the bet. This is your absolutely last chance of backing out. Because once that Confirm button has been activated, there is no turning back. You are locked into this bet until you reap your rewards. 😃

The second confirmation!
The second confirmation!

Your bet is confirmed within seconds. All that’s left to do now is invite your opponent and a judge! However, this time you aren’t required to have their email address and we provide you with a short link, you can share as a direct invitation to the bet.

Invite the bettor and your judge
Invite the bettor and your judge

If you lost the links, do not worry!

Going back to the betting dashboard you’ll see the bet added to the list of all your other bets, and you can follow the status and take an action (reshare links to oponent & your judge, Dispute the bet, and cancel):

The bet is now on!

Once your opponent accepted bet — he/she will also get the link to invite a judge. Have in mind that your judge, as well as opponents, will Vote.

Once Voting is finished, and bet concluded, you will be able to claim the bet & mint the NFT.

CLAIM: Claiming is possible after a 24-hour timeframe, due to security reasons.

MINT: Once you’ve claimed the win, you can mint an NFT (ERC-721 IBY token) right away.

And that’s it! Nice, quick, easy!

Redesigned so you can have the maximum amount of fun with the least amount of work!

P.S. Do not forget you can choose the network for every bet:

Feel free to send us your feedback: https://forms.gle/Z1mDoS5xsU426N7f6
We have rewards prepared for all of you! 🎁

Social links 👇

🌎 Website: https://ibetyou.xyz

📱 Twitter: https://twitter.com/ibetyouxyz

📢 Telegram group: https://t.me/IBYXYZ

🔔 Telegram announcements: https://t.me/IBYAnnouncements

Telegram marketing: https://t.me/IBYBeyound

📚 Medium: https://medium.com/@ibetyouxyz




Bet any amount with anyone on anything. No limits, no rules, just your imagination.Wrap a bet into a token and enter the exciting world of Decentralized Finance