Why Critical Race Theory is One of the Worst Ideas of Our Generation

A Look at What Could Ultimately Dismantle our Society.

Quincy Bingham
I Brought Receipts
4 min readApr 27, 2021


Photo by Bhavya Shah on Unsplash

You’ve probably never heard of Critical Race Theory, just as you have probably never heard of a car “governor”. Both are all around you. Both are well integrated into your daily life.

Critical Race Theory states that racism is ingrained in every aspect of our society and exists independently of the individual racist. Terms and phrases such as “white privilege” and “black people can’t be racist” originate from this theory.

Critical Race Theory sees our society as nothing more than the power dynamics of the oppressed and oppressors. Bad actors of the oppressed race are condoned since they are not in positions of power. Most, if not all, the black community’s problems can be attributed to systemic racism and “the white man”.

Critical Race theory rejects logical empiricism (only statements verifiable through direct observation or logical proof are meaningful) and has foundations in marxism, moral relativism, and social constructionism. As with other Postmodernism forms, the idea rejects social progress, universal morality, and universal standards of conduct.

Have you wondered why so many people condone violence, rioters, and looters? Last year, NPR featured author Vicky Osterweil and book: In Defense of Looting as she went through the mental gymnastics of actually making a case for rioting and looting.

Moral relativism.

There is some truth to moral relativism’s basic premise since we all have variations of what we believe to be ethical or moral, however, there are basic human rights, needs, and standards of conduct that if compromised, will only result in chaos and destabilization.

Critical race theory excuses behavior most consider immoral since it elevates the “oppressed”. Wrongs committed by the oppressed can always be traced back to systematic racism or the oppressor…therefore, they are excused and dismissed. The “children” should be allowed their temper tantrums.

Any idea that rejects logical empiricism is shaky at best. Critical race theory critiques color blindness, affirmative action, and other rights-based remedies based on liberalism in light of political activism.

I’m a staunch proponent of liberalism, and I care very little for political activism beyond imminent issues. Critical race theory’s reliance on legislative remedies is consistent with the view that the world consists only of power dynamics between the oppressed and oppressors.

In other words, solving problems is the sole responsibility of the government, political structures, and leaders, while individuals, communities, and social groups hold no power other than persuading these entities.

Critical race theory, as with most postmodernist thoughts, robs individuals of human agency.

The white person has no choice but to accept white guilt and has no agency to remove his racist “whiteness.” The black person can blame his problems on the ghost of systematic racism, and if he succeeds in life, this is either by luck or acceptance of white supremacy. Thereby giving their lives the power and authority to someone or something else.

When you blame someone else, you give up your power of change. This applies to every aspect of life beyond racial issues. But more importantly, blaming an entire race or system further paralyzes a person since there isn’t a single person, network, or thing to remedy the situation.

There is nothing more dehumanizing than placing one’s life in the hands of others. Even if critical race theory was correct, it fails to produce any discernable solutions, empowerment, or hope. There is no path to progress in this supposed deluge of racism.

By subscribing to the myth that white people are responsible for almost every aspect of our society, it ignores the significant progress and contribution of Black Americans throughout American history.

Critical Race Theory is, in essence, the short man’s syndrome. It attempts to correct past evils with evil, turning the tables on racism by condoning racism. The very reason it exists is that its purveyors fail to see human beings’ legitimacy and power. One race is inherently immorally corrupt, while the other is intrinsically relegated to dehumanizing victimhood. That is a direct consequence of only viewing life through the lens of race and not as humans.

This leads us to the real issue.

Black Americans need to understand that their lives matter, but they are also crucial pieces in the American landscape. WE need to realize that our lives matter before we go down the fruitless path of convincing others that our lives matter. It is a fool’s errand.

I quickly learned in dating that if you don’t believe you are worthy of a woman’s attention, then why would she think you are worthy?



Quincy Bingham
I Brought Receipts

Insights on Personal Growth, Digital Marketing, and Entrepreneurship. Read More: https://quincylsb.medium.com/