Dr. Doris Essiet
Eyecare Online
Published in
2 min readJul 11, 2022
Photo by Apostolos Vamvouras on Unsplash

For some of us that wear glasses, there are a couple of things that we do that can be downright disgusting while others don’t just make sense.

The tips I am about to share will not only protect your glasses but will help them last longer and save you some money.

1. Don’t clean with your clothes: When you clean with your clothes, you scratch the lens because the texture of your shirts, handkerchiefs, etc is solid and abrasive. Instead, use the soft cloth given to you.

2. Don’t use SALIVA: When you spit on your lens, well, that’s plain disgusting. If it’s dirty, use a lens liquid cleaner. If you can’t reach one at that time, use soapy water (hopefully you are using a plain lens). But don’t use soapy water on Blue Cut or Anti-reflective lenses, I beg you. Get a good liquid cleaner. It was just 1000 naira.

3. Don’t remove your glasses with one hand: If you keep removing your glasses with one hand, you will cause the frame to expand and no longer fits your face. And it will keep falling off.

4. Don’t wear someone else’s glasses: Using someone else’s glasses will likely cause you headaches because you are probably not using the same prescription. You may not feel the headache immediately though but trust me, the aches will come.

So tell me, which of these crimes should you be jailed for?

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