A Place To Lay Your Hat

A poem about home

Lisa Bolin
I challenge you


Home — photo by Lisa Bolin


Is it where the happy heart is?
The place you lay your hat?
A space that’s filled with books and love,
All the ‘this’ and ‘that’?

Or is it the place you lay your head?
A spot that’s warm and soft,
Where you nuzzle against the one you love,
As your soul floats aloft?

Is it physical, this home of yours?
A place to rest your bones,
A chair to curl up in,
A place you’ve always known?

For me, home is many places,
Like the land I grew up in,
A place where all my family live,
Where I feel loved by kith and kin.

But it’s also this beautiful new place,
When young, it captured my heart,
The water, forest, language, and folk,
For decades we were apart.

Now this pretty archipelago
Is the place that I call home,
It was passionate love that brought me here,
My heart no longer roams.



Lisa Bolin
I challenge you

Writer | Poet | Educator | Book-lover | Multilingual | Travel Enthusiast | Garden of Neuro Institute sister | A curious soul | A little fearless