Hexagram 18 : A Simple Look at I-Ching — Decay and Improvement

I-Ching Divination Handbook
2 min readAug 10, 2023


The Decay hexagram ䷑ is the eighteenth hexagram in the I-Ching. It’s formed by a mountain on top and wind below. The term “Decay” commonly relates to disorder and the need for rectification, bearing the significance of correction and realignment. Here’s a concise understanding of your overall picture, fortune, relationships, and health:

Overall Picture: The Decay hexagram symbolizes rectification, correction, and reorganization. It might suggest that now is the moment to inspect and amend your current path or methodology. Though challenges lie ahead, with the right actions, success is achievable. But patience is key, akin to waiting for six days, emphasizing that things take time.

Fortune: This hexagram encourages addressing financial concerns head-on. It might suggest re-evaluating investments, reorganizing finances, or settling debts. Integrity and proper financial management will usher in good fortune.

Relationships: References to “fatherly figures” in the Decay hexagram might link to family, ancestors, or traditions. In interpersonal relations, there may be a call to mend past mistakes or conflicts. Some relationships might require effort and time to rectify, but the investment will be rewarding in the end.

Health: The hexagram nudges you to pay attention to your health and perhaps correct unhealthy habits. Making better choices like improving diet, increasing physical activity, or dropping bad habits could be beneficial at this time.

In essence, the Decay hexagram urges acknowledgment of areas needing correction and rectification. Facing difficulties and challenges with integrity and bravery is essential. It’s a prime time for reorganization and betterment, be it in life, relationships, or work.

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I-Ching Divination Handbook

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