Hexagram 35 ䷢ : A Simple Look at I-Ching — Prospering

I-Ching Divination Handbook
2 min readAug 12, 2023


The Prospering hexagram is the 35th in the I-Ching. Formed by the Fire symbol above and the Earth symbol below, it stands for brightness and rising. Here’s a basic understanding of your overall picture, fortune, relationships, and health:

Overall Picture: The Prospering hexagram represents progress and success. Just as the light from a fire illuminates the earth, this hexagram symbolizes a bright outlook in career and life. It’s an encouragement to keep pushing forward with correct actions to ensure success and advancement.

Fortune: Financially, Prospering is a sign of good fortune, indicating growth and prosperity. However, just as fire requires fuel, you must ensure your financial plans and strategies are sound for sustained success.

Relationships: In the realm of relationships, Prospering suggests potential improvements and developments with others. It’s a good time to collaborate and establish new connections. When interacting, it’s wise to maintain sincerity and an open attitude.

Health: This hexagram might hint at the need for proactive changes and improvements for health, like adjusting lifestyle or dietary habits. The fire element could point to concerns related to the heart and circulatory system, so it’s important to be aware of any related health issues.

In essence, the Prospering hexagram encourages positive thinking and active actions. Now might be the perfect time where success and brightness are within reach, but it demands effort and the right strategy. Stay open and adaptable to navigate the ever-changing circumstances.

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I-Ching Divination Handbook

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