Hexagram 56 ䷷ : A Simple Look at I-Ching — Traveling

I-Ching Divination Handbook
2 min readAug 12, 2023


The Traveling hexagram is the fifty-sixth position in the I-Ching. It’s symbolized by a combination of Fire on top and Mountain at the bottom, representing the idea of traveling or being on the move. This hexagram dives deep into various situations one might face during travels, both challenges and opportunities. Here’s a simple understanding about your overall picture, fortune, relationships, and health:

Overall Picture: The Traveling hexagram emphasizes being on the move and facing uncertain situations. While there might be minor successes on your journey, you should stay alert to potential challenges and uncertainties. Being flexible and adaptable in unfamiliar settings is crucial.

Fortune: The phrase “traveling in a place, you gain resources” suggests that traveling or working away from home could bring some wealth or income. However, another hint, “a sense of unease in my heart,” warns that these gains might not meet expectations, potentially leading to dissatisfaction or anxiety.

Relationships: Being on the move might introduce you to new people and foster new relationships. Yet, a warning from the phrase “travel and lose your younger servant” hints at potential losses or challenges in interpersonal relationships. It’s advisable to tread cautiously in interactions to avoid conflicts.

Health: Though the Traveling hexagram doesn’t directly address health, traveling often comes with health-related challenges like adjusting to different diets or coping with climate changes. It’s recommended to pay special attention to health when on the move, ensuring proper nutrition, rest, and avoiding overexertion.

In summary, the Traveling hexagram serves as a reminder: while there are opportunities and benefits in traveling or working away from home, one should always remain vigilant, adapt to changes, and be prepared to handle various challenges that might arise.

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I-Ching Divination Handbook

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