Hexagram 58 ䷹ : A Simple Look at I-Ching — Joy in Communication and Attraction

I-Ching Divination Handbook
2 min readAug 12, 2023


The Joy hexagram is the fifty-eighth in the I-Ching. It symbolizes lakes or marshes and also represents delight or the act of speaking. This hexagram paints a picture of being externally gentle but internally strong and embodies charisma and allure. Let’s dive into insights regarding your overall picture, fortune, relationships, and health:

Overall Picture: The Joy hexagram stands for delight and positive communication. During this period, success and smooth progress can be achieved through kind and harmonious interactions. It encourages people to engage with others with a positive attitude, listening and sharing, which can help alleviate weariness and challenges.

Fortune: Given that the Joy hexagram relates to delight and attraction, it suggests that wealth and opportunities can come through collaboration and networking. However, it’s essential to be cautious and not dive too deep into business ventures or investments, as there might be some instability.

Relationships: The phrase “gentlemen discuss and learn with friends” hints that in relationships, enhancing closeness and trust can be achieved through communication and sharing. The Joy hexagram emphasizes sincerity and genuine interactions, crucial for establishing and maintaining bonds.

Health: From a health perspective, the Joy hexagram might be associated with the mouth, throat, or respiratory system. It’s advisable to pay attention to oral health and any issues with the respiratory tract. Proper communication and expression can also help in avoiding mental stress and emotional turmoil.

In conclusion, the Joy hexagram inspires individuals to seek happiness and positivity in life and realize their goals through proper communication and interaction. With the power of Joy, one can better tackle and overcome challenges and adversities.

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I-Ching Divination Handbook

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