Hexagram 59 ䷺ : A Simple Look at I-Ching — Dispersing and Going with the Flow

I-Ching Divination Handbook
2 min readAug 12, 2023


The Dispersing hexagram is the fifty-ninth hexagram in the I-Ching. It’s created from the fusion of the Wind hexagram and the Water hexagram. This hexagram stands for dispersion, expansion, and smooth flow, emphasizing the significance of flexibility and fluidity in challenging situations. Here’s a concise understanding of your overall outlook, fortune, relationships, and health:

Overall Picture: Dispersing highlights the ease and unobstructed flow of events. In challenging times, it’s beneficial to be adaptable and to move with the situation rather than against it. Visionary leadership is crucial and can safely navigate everyone through trying times.

Fortune: There are potential benefits in undertaking significant investments or initiatives. Using the right strategy and tools can pave the way for success. Adapting to circumstances and making timely decisions can yield financial rewards.

Relationships: Letting go of or concluding relationships that are no longer beneficial can usher in positive outcomes. Changes in dynamics within a community or group, even if they involve power shifts, are seen as fair and won’t result in conflicts.

Health: There may be minor health concerns to be aware of. Addressing them promptly and maintaining a cautious distance from potential triggers ensures these won’t worsen. The association of the Dispersing hexagram with water suggests being mindful of water-related health aspects, such as the kidneys or the urinary tract.

Conclusion: The Dispersing hexagram offers a lesson in resilience and adaptability. When faced with hurdles, it’s wise to stay relaxed, be flexible, and move seamlessly with the situation. This approach ensures smoother transitions and adaptations to new circumstances.

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I-Ching Divination Handbook

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