Hexagram 60 ䷻ : A Simple Look at I-Ching — Limitation and Balanced Boundaries

I-Ching Divination Handbook
2 min readAug 12, 2023


The Limitation hexagram is the sixtieth in the I-Ching. It’s represented by the symbolism of water in a marsh, conveying the idea of setting boundaries or defining limits. This hexagram embodies the principles of establishing limits, appropriate adjustments, and equilibrium. Here’s a concise understanding about your overall picture, fortune, relationships, and health:

Overall Picture: The Limitation hexagram signifies appropriate boundaries and balance. It suggests that there might be a need in one’s life for adjustments and the setting of certain limits. Through such equilibrium and tweaking, harmony is maintained and goals are better achieved. However, excessively limiting oneself could lead to challenges.

Fortune: The saying that through proper planning and system, financial situations benefit without harming others, indicates that in financial management, appropriate restraint and planning are paramount.

Relationships: The Limitation hexagram in relationships embodies the right boundaries and balance. The advice to stay away from external influences or to protect oneself might be wise in some relationship contexts. Yet, excessive isolation or avoidance could bring about issues in interpersonal connections.

Health: For health, the Limitation hexagram reminds individuals of the importance of balance and right adjustments. Too much or too little of anything might negatively affect one’s well-being. Proper diet, exercise, and rest are keys to maintaining good health.

In essence, the Limitation hexagram underscores the significance of proper balance and adjustments in life. Establishing the right boundaries, making apt plans, and maintaining equilibrium are crucial when pursuing objectives or facing challenges.

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I-Ching Divination Handbook

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