Hexagram 62 ䷽ : A Simple Look at I-Ching — Excess

I-Ching Divination Handbook
2 min readAug 12, 2023


The Excess hexagram is the sixty-second in the I-Ching. It’s formed by pairing Thunder at the top with Mountain below, symbolizing minor oversights or excessiveness. This hexagram emphasizes the importance of being cautious even in small matters, as they can lead to more significant complications. Here’s a concise understanding of your overall picture, fortune, relationships, and health:

Overall Picture: The Excess hexagram stresses the need to treat even minor issues with caution and respect. It suggests that small mistakes might snowball into larger problems, requiring constant attention. However, addressing these minor matters appropriately can result in harmony and success.

Fortune: Beneficial when correct and in line with the times implies that by moving with the times and being honest, even minor financial hiccups can be rectified and lead to success. This hexagram also advises prudence in financial matters and investments, avoiding major risks or unnecessary expenses.

Relationships: Past one’s ancestors and meeting one’s grandmother, or not reaching one’s ruler and meeting an official, hint at potential minor misunderstandings in interpersonal relationships. Open and honest communication with family and friends is essential to avoid bigger misunderstandings. It’s also crucial to respect the natural order and etiquette in hierarchical relationships.

Health: While the Excess hexagram doesn’t directly touch on health, its theme of caution might remind us to attend to minor health issues promptly in daily life to prevent them from becoming significant concerns.

In essence, the Excess hexagram encourages a careful attitude towards every aspect of life, recognizing the potential impact even small matters can have. By being cautious and considerate, we can avoid unnecessary challenges and ensure a smooth and harmonious life.

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I-Ching Divination Handbook

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