Hexagram 63 ䷾ : A Simple Look at I-Ching — Completion

I-Ching Divination Handbook
2 min readAug 12, 2023


The Completion hexagram is the sixty-third in the I-Ching, symbolizing a perfect balance between water and fire. It indicates that a task or phase is nearing its end, but changes might follow. Here’s a concise understanding of your overall picture, fortune, relationships, and health:

Overall Picture: The Completion hexagram represents a phase of smooth progress and temporary success. Initially, things might appear promising but could become unpredictable as they unfold. After achieving success, it’s essential to avoid complacency and be ready for potential challenges.

Fortune: Minor financial hurdles might emerge, but with perseverance, you can maintain stability. As situations evolve, avoid becoming overconfident or neglecting details, as these attitudes might lead to difficulties later on.

Relationships: In personal connections, genuine and simple interactions often bring better outcomes than extravagant gestures or efforts to impress. It’s sometimes the simpler acts that bring about the most genuine blessings.

Health: While the primary focus of the Completion hexagram is on career and relationships, there’s an emphasis on being cautious regarding health. This especially pertains to issues concerning the head and neurological system. Overloading oneself with stress or fatigue can lead to health challenges.

In essence, the Completion hexagram advises vigilance after achieving success. It stresses the importance of continuous effort and attentiveness in all areas of life, ensuring lasting success.

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I-Ching Divination Handbook

Dive into 64 I-Ching hexagrams: ancient wisdom & divination. Insights and Guide on Life, Fortunes, Relationship, health. Join us to embrace I-Ching mystique.