I-Ching Divination Handbook
2 min readAug 9, 2023


Hexagram 7: A Simple Look at I-Ching — Gathering an Army and Leadership

The Army hexagram represents the concept of an army, organization, or the power of coming together in the I-Ching. The term “師” generally means teacher or leader, but in this context, it leans more towards the notion of leading many, reflecting themes of organization, assembly, and leadership. Here’s a succinct insight into your overall picture, fortune, relationships, and health:

Overall Picture: The Army hexagram emphasizes the assembly, leadership, and organization. It encourages forming a team to achieve a particular goal when the time is right. With collective strength and proper organization, challenges and obstacles can be smoothly overcome. This symbol reminds leaders to uphold integrity and fair leadership, ensuring support and trust from the masses.

Fortune: In business or investment, this hexagram suggests collaborating with partners, working together to attain greater success. Integrity and honesty are paramount within the team; any unfair means could lead to losses.

Relationships: Concerning interpersonal connections, the Army hexagram underlines the importance of collective and organization. It advises seeking support from family or friends when facing issues or challenges. Moreover, this symbol relates to both leading and being led, reminding individuals to find balance in relationships, emphasizing mutual respect and trust.

Health: While this hexagram doesn’t provide specific health indications, considering its themes of gathering and organization, it might hint at health concerns within a community. This could be about safety in group activities or the importance of preventing contagious diseases.

In summary, the Army hexagram encourages understanding the value of collective strength and mastering the art of effective leadership and organization. Collaborating and pooling resources often yield better results when navigating obstacles or challenges.

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I-Ching Divination Handbook

Dive into 64 I-Ching hexagrams: ancient wisdom & divination. Insights and Guide on Life, Fortunes, Relationship, health. Join us to embrace I-Ching mystique.