Calling All Happily Married Writers

Let’s Tell Our Stories, Too

Rachel Darnall
I Digress
2 min readFeb 4, 2017


First of all, wow! Thank you to everyone who read, recommended, and commented on yesterday’s post.

At D Mitchell’s suggestion, I am adding a temporary tab to I Digress to feature stories about married love during the month of February. If you felt like your boring, married love story didn’t fit in with any of the 4 categories that Medium is featuring for Valentine’s month, please consider this an invitation to submit them to my humble publication.

I’m looking for stories on love that’s lasted, love that has grown, love that’s gone through rough spots, weathered storms, and come out stronger for them. How you met. Lessons learned. Adventures in marriaging. Funny, sappy, instructive, whatever.

If you still like being married, you’re who I’m looking for.

I will consider entries that have already been published (although Medium won’t allow me to add stories that are already in another publication). Please make sure that “marriage” is one of the tags on your story so that it will show up under the “My Married Valentine” tab on the publication’s homepage.

Here’s how to submit:

Go ahead and publish your story on your own profile, then comment on this article with the link to it. If it’s a good fit, I will request the story and you will get a notification from I Digress asking if I can publish it there.

Thanks everyone! Really looking forward to hearing from some of my favorite married writers here.

Thanks for reading! Click the link to follow my publication, I Digress



Rachel Darnall
I Digress

Christian, wife, mom, writer. Writing “Daughters of Sarah,” a book on women and Christian liberty.