In Which I Remember That I Am Not Zooey Daschanel

As Seen on Parent.Co

Rachel Darnall
I Digress
2 min readJun 25, 2017


Still pregnant over here, peeps. Mike Essig reminded me that I hadn’t mentioned it for a while. This is probably because I actually feel more or less pretty good at this point (half-way mark is a week from today).

Anyway, one of the symptoms I’m still dealing with (and I’m sure I will be dealing with up until the very day of birth and beyond) is an irrational urge to cut my bangs, which I wrote about for here:

Some of you may have noticed that my content on I Digress has slowed down a bit — this is because I’ve been writing more for Iron Ladies and also trying to actually get paid for my non Iron Ladies content. has been consistently publishing whatever I send them so far, so I’ve been over there, trading stories for as many greasy little dollars as they will give me. With any luck, it will pay for our filling-in-the-pond and putting in paver stones and patio furniture project this summer.

Speaking of greasy little dollars, I should mention offers a bonus if a piece reaches a certain share threshold. If you love this piece and want to share it, you’d be doing me a favor too … just make sure to share it from the website, not this Medium post.

Who knows — we just might name a lawn chair after you.



Rachel Darnall
I Digress

Christian, wife, mom, writer. Writing “Daughters of Sarah,” a book on women and Christian liberty.