You May Address Me As: “Brutus”

In Which I Set Wildly Unrealistic Fitness Goals

Rachel Darnall
I Digress
2 min readApr 25, 2017


This isn’t me.

I’m not sure exactly what triggered it.

Maybe it was going to my first prenatal and finding out, at 9 1/2 weeks pregnant, that I had gained as many pounds.

Maybe it was reading that article about the pregnant pro-wrestler who says she “can’t wait to get back into the ring” after baby comes.

Maybe it was going to Ultimate Frisbee and sitting on the sidelines, watching my husband and everybody else run around getting soaking wet and freezing cold.

Whatever it was, yearning turned to resolve. A resolve not to let this pregnancy be “like last time”.

Last Time

Last time, I gained, I kid you not, about 60 lb. I am 5' 2 1/2". The recommended weight gain for a normal pregnancy is 35 lb. Walking was like driving a Buick.

This Time Though …

This time I’m going to be a Brute.

Last time it was prenatal work-outs that were low on cardio and big on stretches and frequent queries about “how baby’s doing”.

This time it’s going to be kick-boxing and name-taking.

Medical experts of the internet assure us that any exercise you were doing before you were pregnant should be just peachy to continue all through your pregnancy.

A Medical Expert

Long-distance running? Sure!

Competitive weight-lifting? Why not?

Trick skate-boarding? Go, girl!

Sporadic and half-hearted attempts at Tae Bo in your living room?

I haven’t done this one but I’m fairly certain Billy’s about to squirt water at the camera man.

Uh, definitely, definitely.

So What’s My Progress?

I feel like I am definitely on the right track, having worked out for 30 minutes 2 whole days in a row. By “working out”, I mean running a circle around the living room and dining room, climbing the stairs 10x in a row, and kicking over the ironing board (it’s been raining here a lot).

I figure by the time the baby comes I will probably be doing professional MMA tourneys.

They need to do a re-make of “Rocky” where Rocky is a pregnant woman. Actually all the boxers would be pregnant women.



Rachel Darnall
I Digress

Christian, wife, mom, writer. Writing “Daughters of Sarah,” a book on women and Christian liberty.