Not so Fierce Battle of the Streaming Services

Alexis Chaffin
Rose Time
Published in
1 min readFeb 25, 2019

From the data we can see that since YouTube was created, it has been a power house for streaming media. The only time it was getting beat out by Netflix was before it was even created and in it’s early months. I am a bit surprised that Netflix isn’t even close to YouTube though, especially in Netflix’s early years when it was more about ordering DVDs rather than streaming. I am also curious about that small spike where Hulu is more searched than Netflix and I’m wondering what could be the cause but other than that Hulu has stayed pretty consistent as the least searched streaming service. Also in the past years we see that YouTube is starting to decline and I’m wondering if if that has to do with the content creators on the platform or all the issues that the actual application is having within itself. In conclusion, we can see that YouTube has fluctuated the most but has consistently been the most search streaming service while Netflix and Hulu have stayed pretty consistent in its numbers.

