
Ashish Mahendra
Published in
1 min readMar 21, 2017
Art Credit: Oliver Dominguez

When truth is auctioned, in the marketplace of hatred

When liberty means slavery

When love means hate

When brotherhood means enmity

When dreams are nightmares

and nightmares reality

When answers are questions

and questions lamentations

When grief is a commodity

and pleasure an ideal

When silence is protest

and speaking is submission

When experts are minions

And minions are commanders

When knowledge is suspicion

And belief is conclusion

When the ruled are empty

And the rulers are insatiable

When the majority is a minority

and minority the hunted

When the tyrant is the hope

and the democrat a traitor

When criminals are spokesmen

and dissenters are deserters

When the state is the nation

and citizens are subjects

When madness is sanity

and reason is delusion

When punishment is mercy

and discipline is suffering

Our longing for revenge

crippling our compassion

devouring us while we feed its lust

nibbling away at our humanity

We are the dead

in search of the living

We are hungry

