Repairman Survival Guide

Christopher Wong
Published in
4 min readMar 28, 2018

Essential tools and tips that a modern-day handyman should heed for their very survival:

This is no joke.

#1 Bring your Phone

For a profession that keeps you on the move, your smart phone becomes your most important tool. It has GPS, reminders, handle invoices and allows you to call and message potential customers (i-fix is your best-buddy for repairmen on the move. It notifies you of jobs within your area, enables you to manage your own professional profile and provides an easy system to send invoices and receive payment. All in-app. Simple and Easy).

#2 First-aid Kit

You’d rather have one and not need it, than need it and not have one.
Make sure you have a fully-stocked first-aid kit in your vehicle so that it’s with you at all times. Check that all items are within their expiry dates as well. After all, safety is of highest priority.

#3 Thermos

Yes, embrace the stereotype. Remember to make your own tea or coffee. It’s comfort and a warm hug in a cup that will help you throughout the day.
Friendly tip: If your customer offers you a cuppa, don’t turn it down. They will remember this and may not offer it again. This goes for cakes, sandwiches and cookies too (if you’re lucky).

#4 Lunch

You probably were wondering whether this list was numbered based on importance - it is not… otherwise lunch may be higher up :)
Never forget to pack some sandwiches and energy sustaining snacks such as fruit, nuts or even some chocolate to keep you going throughout your day.

We loooveee lunch.

#5 Spare Change

You may need some loose change for parking meters, car-parks or even some ice-cream or a slushie if you need to escape the heat.

#6 Your Documents — Insurance, Licenses..

Accidentally put a hole in the wrong place and burst a pipe? Chipped a customer’s sink? At trasso, we’ve done it all, so not to worry — just make sure your insurance is up to date and you’re good to go. Customers are generally understanding as long as you are covered.

#7 Business Cards

A must have. Keep updated cards with you and hand them out to your satisfied customers after a job. They’ll start passing your card around to family and friends and you, my pal, will be very happy with the results -Recommendations through word-of-mouth is your best friend.

#8 Spare Change of Clothes

A repairman’s profession can be a filthy one. Whilst you may think you look sexy with abit of grime and grease on you (we think so too), you won’t look very professional when your next customer answers their door.


#9 Brush and Pan

Cleaning up after yourself is an excellent way of getting repeat customers. Put newspaper down when you work, bring some cleaning equipment or even a small-portable vacuum cleaner for extra customer amazement.

#10 Your Smile

Your guaranteed Customer Satisfaction tool. Never, ever underestimate the power of a positive attitude coupled with some quality work. Remember, your profession is all about helping others that do not have the ability or skill to help themselves.

As far back as human history goes, you can be guaranteed that there was a handyman helping others in need — and you can be sure, even in the distant future, that will never change.

Looking for a Repairman? i-fix can connect you to a repairman within your area. In three simple steps, you can post what you need fixed. Pick a repairman of your choosing and get your job done, then pay in-app and leave a review. It’s that simple!

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