Why is I.G. The Best Company To ‘Escape’ To?

Emily Collins-Ellis
I.G. Insights


Well, firstly, it’s official. We won! I.G. Advisors is one of #TheEscape100 Best Companies To Escape To. We achieved one of the top 100 scores of any organisation reviewed by Escape the City in their 2019 awards, out of thousands. So, we’re feeling pretty great about ourselves right now. We were measured against 6 criteria — Mission, Impact (scale), Innovation, Environment, B-Corp Status and Workplace Culture — and we’re really proud to be celebrated for our commitment to excellence in all of these areas.

We founded I.G. Advisors to bring dynamic and entrepreneurial thinking to the social impact sector, and we work incredibly hard as a team to deliver the very best work for our clients, partners and each other, whilst being honest, ethical and true to our values. It’s not an easy task, but we constantly push ourselves, and our clients, to do better, and we bring care, energy and enthusiasm to everything we do! We feel really special to have our hard work recognised like this.

So, to celebrate, we asked some of our team to share what the best, and most surprising, parts of ‘escaping’ to I.G. have been for them:

Alisha (CEO)

Best Thing: Hands down, being able to work with my husband (it’s true!) and to build a team of amazing people around us.

Most Surprising: How, as a person who craves novelty, I’ve never once been bored.

Emily (Senior Advisor)

Best Thing: Finally being in a team where my energy and drive were not only welcomed and encouraged, but matched by the people around me!

Most Surprising: What a huge difference it can make for clients to have an external perspective on problems that feel insurmountable — from day one I was supporting small changes that had a massive impact, beyond what I expected was possible.

Amy (Junior Advisor)

Best Thing: Being inspired by my incredible colleagues. I am constantly stimulated by our discussions, debates and ideas — we are constantly growing together.

Most Surprising: The huge amount of satisfaction I gain from working across such a variety of social causes and projects, and this fulfilment continues to grow!

Jasmine (Junior Advisor)

Best Thing: I finally get to spend every day doing work that is meaningful and fulfilling.

Most Surprising: To find an amazing team of people with big hearts and great souls.

Emma (Office Manager)

Best Thing: Very supportive staff, positive energy in the office and all around a warm, ‘family’ feeling.

Most Surprising: I can’t compare the welcoming to many other places I have been.

I.G. Advisors is a consultancy which bridges the gap between fundraisers, corporates and philanthropists to maximise impact. We provide strategic advice to both charities and donors, advising charities on how to fundraise effectively, and advising donors on how to create the most impact with their resources. If you’d like to find out more about how we can support you, please get in touch or visit impactandgrowth.com for more information.



Emily Collins-Ellis
I.G. Insights

CEO at I.G. Advisors. Feminist. Queer. Anti-racist. Anti-capitalist. Opinions not necessarily those of my employer.