how DID you even get here?

Re: the thoughts I think you have when you read my blog

chris ma
How Did You Even Get Here?
2 min readMay 30, 2015


“This is really lame. What are you doing?”

I KNOW its lame, I’m not trying to be COOL? I just want to practice writing and I need to be motivated to document my thoughts and feelings. Sharing them is irrelevant. This isn’t private because I want to take ownership for my words (eg, not writing like crap).

“You do write like crap. Your sentence structure sucks and your jokes aren’t funny.”

Thank you . Also, your snapchat stories fucking suck.

“Why do you pretend like you have people reading it?”

Because I’m being meta. And because it’s fun to write that way.

“I only come on here to laugh at you.”

I think you mean with.

“Why do you take yourself so seriously?”

Why do you have such low self-esteem? Why are you picking on me? Look, I don’t do stuff like this, I don’t think I’m a talented writer, I don’t even talk about myself very much. I just want to write things. I don’t care if they’re good, they don’t need to be.

“No one actually thought any of these things. In fact no one actually reads this. You only have 4 views”

Well you are.

And I’m like slightly relieved but more so horribly offended.

“But like do you actually think you’re going to famous?”


“You’re bad at sarcasm.”

*Looks into camera*

“Okay well this is still weird and I don’t know who you think you are or what you’re trying to gain from this.”

It’s okay that you think it’s weird, you have me on snapchat you already know that I’m weird. Also you don’t have to know how self-indulgent I really am (very. Once I bought half dozen of Macarons and ate them on the bus in 7 minutes) or why I have this blog. Just read it, or don’t. I don’t actually care. Like I really don’t. It’s honestly not a big deal. Probably won’t even think anymore about it.

