i-House.com Chairman & Founder Rick Ng’s Letter to the Community

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Published in
3 min readOct 6, 2018

Dear investors and supporters,

On October 3rd IHT got listed on two top global cryptocurrency exchanges, Seattle-based Bittrex and Korean-based UPbit. Upbit is South Korea’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, run by a subsidiary of Korean tech giant Kakao, and is ranked the 10th largest exchange globally (as of press time). Bittrex is the 13th largest cryptocurrency exchange by daily trading volume, and is the premier U.S.-based blockchain platform, providing lightning-fast trade execution, dependable digital wallets and industry-leading security practices. The listings set the foundation for our continued growth and momentum through 2019.

The 3rd quarter presented great challenges to the blockchain and crypto industries, and i-House.com was able to weather the ups and downs. Over the summer, the value of ETH dropped from $500 in early July to $220 in a short time period. Under such difficult conditions, we remain committed to fulfilling our promises and company initiatives. It’s been a rough journey, but we are determined to overcome every challenge that we are faced with moving forward.

Below is an outline highlighting three keys areas that we are going to focus on over the next six months:

a) i-House ATO will officially enter stage 2.0 development and provide a one-stop blockchain solution for real estate developers and investors; this will be a fee-based service.

b) IHT will get listed on more top global exchanges.

c) We’ll conduct in-depth strategic cooperation with large scale exchanges and work out solutions to bundle our products in a better way.

Globally more of our partners have become familiarized with our business models and ideas. Regarding the i-House ATO 2.0 utility token, we have received applications from more than 10 projects interested in partnering with us in several countries such as South Korea, Japan, the U.S. and Europe. We’ve have also made headway in cooperating with Nasdaq-listed Ideanomics. We hope to help issue tokens for their real estate projects soon, thus becoming the first real estate blockchain platform that provides utility and security token solutions.

The latest listings on Bittrex and UPbit have been an important step for IHT’s long-term plan of becoming a premier global cryptocurrency. With these listings, we can speed up our efforts to help IHT and i-House ATO to continue to expand its presence in the U.S. and South Korean markets. Currently, i-House.com has 50 employees in offices across the globe. Back in February i-House.com opened its North American headquarters in the Silicon Valley. During “London Tech Week Festival” in June, it was announced that i-House.com would open an office in London with the goal of attracting more real estate projects and to spur growth in the European market. There are plans in the works to open a New York City office sometime in Q4 this year as well.

August was a month of working to strengthen our leading role in marketing our global blockchain real estate projects. We have been working diligently to produce world-class products, bundling strategic cooperation with an established exchange and working to solve the liquidity issue of global real estate assets. We are positive and hopeful that we have made concrete progress so far, and we will announce more details later this quarter.

It’s proven to be true that for each successful project or product, it must go through the ups and downs of its industry, and this especially true for industries like blockchain, finance, science and technology. i-House.com will, as we have always done, integrate the applications of traditional real estate industry with blockchain technology, speed up the utilization of financial technology, artificial intelligence as well as big data, and expand our businesses to other influential sectors.

Last but not the least, I’d like to express my sincerest appreciation for all the support from the community and investors. I firmly believe that this last quarter of 2018 will be will be fruitful and successful period for our company.


Ricky Ng
i-House.com Chairman and Founder



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