
My day will start not with the sun rising
but with you greeting me good morning.
It gives me all the chills
that I hope will counteract
the warmth of the summer mornings
and complement the breeze of winter dawn.

Getting up is always a hard thing to do
I lost all my might battling this comfort
only be beaten by you.
I’d like to believe that my bed
is the best but,
have they noticed your face?

Collected thoughts throughout the day
rhymes with the breeze and trees nearby.
And if this weak heart demands a song
I never thought I’ll have it
from your voice than from that jukebox.

Sure, home is always hard to find
but, why would I still find one
if I have you?

Never thought crossing out the date today
on a calendar is a happy thing to do.
If your find yourself not enjoying that,
settle down,
grab my hand,
consider ending the day,
our day,
with my friendly and familiar greeting:
Good evening!

