Social Media & Gilligan’s Island

Here is the very best way to understand the social media platforms!

Rumble Press
I Love Charts


Gilligan’s Island castaways / Black Gate / public domain /// left to right — top row: Thurston Howell III, Lovey Howell, The Movie Star, The Skipper, Mary Ann; bottom row: The Professor, Gilligan

I have been struggling to learn social media for my business and personal use. The problem, of course, is that there seems to be five billion social media sites out there already, and new ones continue to pop up out of the ground like zombies.

To make things easier for myself, I decided to focus initially on just a few of the most currently popular social media platforms. Figuring out even this reduced number was a struggle at first because they all just seemed to be slightly different ways of doing exactly the same thing. However, the more I used the platforms, the more I began to discover significant differences in the “personalities” of the platforms and their communities.

Finally, the big breakthrough in my education occurred when I recognized that the various social media platforms have the personality traits of the characters from the legendary television series, “Gilligan’s Island” — this was my “Eureka” moment!

Gilligan’s Island theme song — Season 2 (1965) / Youtube

If you have never watched Gilligan’s Island (even though re-runs are endless) and are not familiar with the subtle premise and intricate plot line of this ageless series, it is much too complex and sophisticated to describe in a few words. Fortunately, the show’s theme song describes the premise of the show brilliantly. Check out the embedded Youtube video to get the gist of the show’s plot line.

With that background, here is a chart that illustrates the very best way to keep the various social media sites straight:

All images and logos in the chart are public domain or fair use under U.S. copyright laws

There you have it — you are now fully equipped to navigate the mysterious world of social media. Just pick your favorite Gilligan’s Island character and sign up for the social media site with that personality. Easy-peasy!

Gilligan / TV Guide / public domain

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Rumble Press
I Love Charts

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