Welcome to I Love Charts

on Medium

Jason Oberholtzer
I Love Charts


Hi Guys!

Thank you for stopping by. My name is Jason, and I love charts. For almost five years, I’ve been running a Tumblr dedicated to that passion, which became a book dedicated to that passion, and I’m now thrilled to be curating this collection … dedicated to that passion.

This is a chart

In this collection, you will find original charts, and cartoons, and other visual tomfoolery from some of my favorite artists on the internet, people whose work I’ve had the pleasure of featuring both on the Tumblr and in the book.

This is a chart by Jessica Hagy

Each week, you will find regular contributions from these amazing chartists:

… and more! We are just getting started over here and will be adding more of our friends as we go. I’ll also be accepting submissions, so if you have a great idea for a chart, all you have to do is jot it down on a cocktail napkin and get it on these here internets, tag it to this collection and I’ll take a look at it!

This is a chart by Gemma Correll

I’m really excited about all the great work we are going to see in this collection. Give us a follow, check in from time to time, and let’s have some fun! Now check out the first brand new chart from Jessica Hagy … right … here.

Hugs and hand-pounds,




Jason Oberholtzer
I Love Charts

Founder/Curator of I Love Charts (Tumblr) & Charts and Leisure (Forbes). Author of I Love Charts: The Book (available now!). Chart all the things.