Multitasking isn’t so cool.

RC Jones
I Love Charts
Published in
1 min readJul 1, 2014

At first glance, multitasking seems like a great idea. “Why do one thing at a time when you can do TWO things at a time?” More is better, right? Well, no.

Research makes it clear that what you think is multitasking is really just switching between two tasks at a speed too fast to perceive. And even when you are indeed multitasking, one task gets more attention than the other, which is why you don’t remember much of the call you had with your mom while you were reading “23 Things You Forgot Were Popular In the 90s.”

Even so, there are times when multitasking is cool, it’s just that it’s uncool three times as much.



RC Jones
I Love Charts

Author of Coolness Graphed. Idaho born. Graphing graphs at