Recipe 8: Okonomiyaki

Eating Around 食勻全世界
Published in
2 min readMar 31, 2022

Okonomiyaki is a traditional Japanese food. Cabbage, flour, egg, and pork, are a few simple ingredients, the final product is very yummy! This recipe has Japanese yam. It makes the okonomiyaki more sticky and the flavor more complex. Let’s try!


Cabbage: 1/4pc

Spring onion: 1pc

Japanese yam: 100g

Garlic: 2cloves

Flour: 60g

Water: 60g

Egg: 2pcs

Sliced pork: 4–5pcs

Salt: 1/4tsp

Black pepper

Okonomiyaki sauce




Cut cabbage into 1–2cm, finely chop the spring onion, set it aside.

Wear gloves or use a tissue to wrap the Japanese yam while using. Otherwise, the hand may feel itchy. Peel the skin of the Japanese yam and grate. Garlic also.

Mix flour, water, Japanese yam, garlic, egg, and cabbage together. Season with salt and pepper and mix well.

Turn on medium heat, add oil. Put some mixture in the middle of the pan. Try to shape it into a circle. Put the sliced pork on top. Cook for about three minutes. Flip, cook for another three minutes.

Put the okonomiyaki sauce and mayonnaise on top, sprinkle with some seaweed. Enjoy your Okonomiyaki!

Hope all of you enjoy this recipe! If u have any questions, feel free to ask ^^

