Obama in a garage

The funny and incredible Marc Maron interviewed President Obama. In his garage. In LA.

Published in
2 min readSep 11, 2017


This story happened more that 2 years ago, in June 2015. Many things happened from that day: many weird and many more even weirder.

One thing everyone can agree about is that USA is the most unpredictable country in the world. That’s why stories like this can actually happen: a president of the USA who, during a trip in California, stops by a comedian’s house and record a podcast with him. And Obama happened to live not far from the same block when he was a student during his 20s. (“Could you have ever imagined when you were 20 that one day you’ll be giving an interview not far from where you lived and you are the President of the United States?” “No way man, no way”) .

The hardest thing — Marc Maron remembers talking about that day — was to persuade my neighbours to allow snipers on their roofs”.

So the street where Marc Maron lives was blocked and secret service agents where everywhere and then eventually came President Obama himself.

The funny thing about this podcast is that the interview began with Obama asking Maron about the pictures he has in his garage. It was the other way around: the interviewed became the interviewer and I think that this says a lot about Obama himself.

It’s always inspiring to listen to a man like him: you can appreciate him, you can love or hate him but he’ll remain one of the most interesting man of this century. The faith and hope that he’s always able to spread, his brilliant mind and humility, all these are things that make even harder to forget that he’s no longer the POTUS and, well, we all know who’s in charge now.



Martino Pietropoli

Architect, photographer, illustrator, writer. L’Indice Totale, The Fluxus and I Love Podcasts, co-founder @ RunLovers | -> http://www.martinopietropoli.com