Book Review: Robin’s impression of A Stone’s Throw by Debbie De Louise

Marie Lavender
I Love Romance Blog
9 min readMay 26, 2024

Hi, readers! The latest I Love Romance Blog review selection is A Stone’s Throw by Debbie De Louise.

Take it away, Robin!


A Stone’s Throw by Debbie De Louise (Cobble Cove Mysteries, Book 1)

I received this book for free. This does not impact my review in any shape or form.

A Stone’s Throw, by Debbie De Louise, is a romantic mystery about a woman who learns to decipher truth from lies, even after her entire world shatters. After losing her husband Peter to a fatal car accident, newly widowed Alicia Fairmont decides to take a trip to the small town of Cobble Cove in hopes of discovering more about her husband’s estranged family. Weary from her overwhelming life, Alicia finds comfort in the town. Not only is she offered the position of head librarian and a consistent (if slightly annoying) social group, she meets a handsome writer named John McKinney. But what starts off as a slow-paced haven turns into something more gruesome when Alicia finds out someone had tried to burn her house down. Even more alarming is when she realizes that her husband’s death might not have been an accident.

I loved the relationship between Alicia and John. Far too often, writers force plot driven romances onto other characters, especially after their ball-and-chains are freshly buried. With Alicia and John, it felt natural; they had the same interests and goals, and it seemed they both found comfort in one another’s grief. The town certainly helped things. Life was clearly beating Alicia down, and when Cobble Cove offered her a place to lay her head, she took it. It catered to her needs.

So you understand why I felt so unsettled. The fact that Alicia was forced to return to the city was a blaring wakeup call which bordered on terrifying. Suddenly, my small town romance turned into a gripping horror, especially with John abruptly thrown into the suspect spotlight. De Louise beautifully delivered the mystery by turning once friendly figures into dangerous shadows lurking beyond the dark. Aside from the detectives and Alicia, I didn’t know who to trust.

And honestly, even after I finished the book, I don’t believe a word anyone is saying. My friends always say I’m a cesspool of anxiety, so I relate to Alicia in that manner. With that established, I felt that Tina held some sliver of truth. Even with that happy ending, the entire book reminds me of a lullaby sung by a monster. The problem is you don’t know it’s a monster because you’re already sleeping.

Despite my mind betraying me, I admit that some of the mystery felt a bit forced. Even though details in the story foreshadowed something darker, there was no reason for Alicia to become suspicious yet, especially when it came to Tina. Moreover, I felt that Alicia trusted John a little too quickly; even if she considered him a safe space, I would’ve thought she’d take more time to vet him. It’s the same when she interacted with Pamela. Alicia can’t just take something for face value; it’s just one side of a clearly long and complex family history.

Even so, I enjoyed the corner De Louise put me in. It’s a solid mystery that teeters on a gothic tragedy. As such, I would give it a 4 out of 5 stars.

Many thanks, Robin! ♥

Book Info:

Widowed librarian Alicia Fairmont needs answers…

After her husband is killed in a hit and run accident, Alicia travels upstate to his hometown of Cobble Cove, New York. She hopes to locate his estranged family and shed light on his mysterious past. Anticipating staying only a weekend, her visit is extended when she accepts a job at the town’s library.

Secrets stretch decades into the past…

Assisted by handsome newspaper publisher and aspiring novelist, John McKinney, Alicia discovers a connection between her absent in-laws and a secret John’s father has kept for over sixty years. Her investigation is interrupted when she receives word her house has burned and arson is suspected, sending her rushing back to Long Island, accompanied by John.

Back in Cobble Cove, cryptic clues are uncovered…

When Alicia returns, she finds a strange diary, confiscated letters, and a digital audio device containing a recording made the day her husband was killed. Anonymous notes warn Alicia to leave town, but she can’t turn her back on the mystery — or her attraction to John. As the pieces fall into place, evidence points to John’s involvement in her husband’s accident. The past and present threaten to collide, and Alicia confronts her fears…

Has she fallen in love with her husband’s killer?

Universal Reader link:

Here’s a teaser from the book…

Alicia was awakened from a sound sleep in which she’d been dreaming, but
all memory of the dream was washed away by her ringing cell phone that she’d forgotten to turn off the night before. By the time she reached for it on the nightstand, the message had gone to voicemail. She glanced at the display. It was four o’clock in the morning. She was tempted to silence it and go back to bed, but curiosity got the best of her. She checked the message and saw the call had been from Abigail Nostran, otherwise known as Gilly. She sat up in bed, fully awake now, and redialed her friend, not even bothering to listen to the message.
What was wrong? Was Gilly or one of the boys sick? But why would Gilly call her if that were the case?
“Oh, Alicia, thank goodness you called right back,” Gilly answered, her
voice distraught. “I know it’s early, and I apologize, but something awful has happened. There’s been a fire at your house, and they contacted me because I told your neighbor I was watching it.”
Mrs. Gorman, the old lady next door, knew Gilly well, and she was always
looking out for Alicia. Like the Cobble Cove residents, though, her concern was mixed with gossip fodder. “Oh, my God! Was there much damage? How did it happen?”
There was a pause on the line, and Alicia thought her cell phone had
malfunctioned, but Gilly continued after a breath. “You need to get back here as soon as you can. The police asked me some questions. They want to talk to you, and you’ll need to make a claim with the insurance adjusters.”
Alicia’s head was spinning. “What did the police want?”
Another pause. “I’m sorry, Alicia. They think it may have been arson.”
“Arson?” Alicia couldn’t believe her ears. “How? Who would’ve …”
“That’s what they’re trying to determine. Come home, Alicia. You can
stay with me until things are settled.”
“I’ll leave as soon as I pack my stuff and maybe grab a cup of coffee.
Thanks for contacting me so quickly.”
“Of course. Be safe driving.” Gilly clicked off, leaving Alicia wishing this
had just been a nightmare.
After she’d showered, dressed, and packed her suitcase, Alicia scribbled a
note on the Cobble Cove Inn stationary and left it on her bedside table,
“Emergency at home. Will be back after all is settled. Thanks so much for your hospitality.” She signed it, ‘A.’
Attempting to exit the inn quietly so as not to disturb Dora or John, her
plans were thwarted. She had her hand on the doorknob when a male voice said, “Where are you going at five-thirty a.m.?” John was standing there in the clothes he’d had on last night. They were slightly wrinkled, as if he’d slept in them. His hair was mussed and his cheeks stubbly, but both made him look sexier.
“I didn’t want to wake anyone. I have to go home. My friend called on my
cell. There’s been a fire at my house.”
“Oh, no!” John was concerned. “I’m so sorry, Ali. Look, if you give me a
few minutes, I can make up some coffee and a few eggs for us. You shouldn’t leave on an empty stomach.”
“I was planning to hit a McDonalds or a rest stop on my way home.”
“I guess you thought of everything except telling us.”
“Sorry, I didn’t think there’d be time. I didn’t want to wake you or Dora. I
left a note upstairs.”
“Well, a few more minutes won’t make a difference, and you don’t want to
get stuck in Monday morning rush-hour traffic going into the city. That would delay you, anyway. Come to the kitchen with me. I have an idea.”
Alicia followed him into the dining nook. “You’re usually a late sleeper.
Did I wake you?”
John started the coffee. “No. I didn’t sleep well last night. I’m blocked on
my book. I think I dozed off around two, didn’t bother to change.” He glanced down at his clothes. “I should take a shower after we eat and put on new clothes.” He turned on the stove’s burner. “I’m surprised Dora isn’t up too. She’s a light sleeper and usually rises early.”
“Did I hear my name?” Dora stepped through the alcove wearing a robe
and pink fuzzy slippers.
“Come join the club,” John said, taking an egg carton from the
refrigerator. “I’m afraid Alicia’s had some bad news from home, Dora. There was a fire at her house. She has to drive back asap, but I told her to wait until traffic slows on I-87.”
“That’ll be hours,” Dora said, walking to the oven. “You sit, John. I’ll
finish preparing breakfast. Both of you are guests, after all.”
John didn’t argue with her but sat across from Alicia. “Thanks, Dora.” He
turned toward Alicia. “Here’s my proposition, Ali …” She was hypnotized by
his eyes and the way he spoke her name. Her stomach was doing flips, and she wasn’t sure it was from the adrenaline still racing in her veins or something equally stimulating. Her mind kept trying to ignore her treacherous heart, to no avail.
John smiled. “I think that’s the right term. You know us journalists, always
looking for the perfect word. Anyway, I’d like to accompany you. You’ll need someone to navigate you through all the paperwork and questions.”
“My friend is there,” Alicia said, thinking of Gilly, but the thought of John
at her side was even more comforting.
“I’m your friend too. You can never have too many.”
The coffee machine began perking, and Dora brought them both a hot cup.
“John’s right. I can spare him for a few days until you return.”
Alicia was thinking it might take longer. “I’m not sure how much time this
will take, Dora.”
“If it takes too long, I’ll return on my own,” John said. “I want to make
sure you’re okay and have things settled first.”
Alicia felt cornered, but it was nice knowing people were looking out for
her. “Okay,” she said. “Now I have someone to carry my bag.”
John laughed, and she could tell he was relieved by her reply.

AUTHOR: Debbie De Louise

TITLE: A Stone’s Throw

GENRE: Cozy Mystery, Romantic Suspense, Mystery Romance

RELEASE DATE: March 6, 2017

PUBLISHER: Solstice Publishing


OUR RATING: ♥♥♥♥ 4 stars


Guest Blogger/Reviewer Bio:

My pen name is Robin Goodfellow. I fell in love with reading after I picked up Fallen by Lauren Kate. I am currently a licensed substance abuse counselor and LPC-A (although I hope to be an LPC soon). I was also a former math and special education teacher. Although I tried going to medical school, it didn’t work out. On the bright side, I’ve got more time for reading and writing! Mental health is a personal passion of mine, as is crochet, and annoying my husband.

This book looks intriguing! ♥ We’ll check it out…

Thanks for reading our latest book review on ILRB! ♥ Have a great upcoming week, everyone!

Originally published at on May 26, 2024.



Marie Lavender
I Love Romance Blog

Multi-genre author of Victorian romance, UPON YOUR RETURN, and 20 other books. Blogger for ILRB & Writing in the Modern Age. Peace lover & fan of cute animals.