Book Review: Robin’s impression of Marriage Training by Golden Angel

Marie Lavender
I Love Romance Blog
9 min readMay 28, 2023

Hi, readers! The latest I Love Romance Blog review selection is Marriage Training by Golden Angel.

Take it away, Robin!


Marriage Training, by Golden Angel, is a steamy Victorian erotica detailing the exploits of an innocent, young woman named Vivian and her dark, mysterious Earl. After meeting, and falling in love with Vivian at a wedding, Lord Gabriel decides to support Vivian and her family by financing her finishing school. The aristocrat promises to support Vivian’s family and will guarantee Vivian’s security under one condition: that she undergo special training to become his wife.

To be honest, I really loved this book, not only because of how Angel depicts the fluidity of pleasure and sexuality, but also the accurate depiction of the BDSM community. It is crucial that consent be given, that power be freely taken, and it’s clear that Angel respects these values. Moreover, the scenes between Vivian and her companion were titillating, and the fact that Vivian was able to switch from her companion to Gabriel as effortlessly as she did just helps build their relationship up. And true, everyone was horny, but it’s refreshing how the romance plays out here. Even more ironic is that, despite all the “modern” romances out there, I would say that this book, given the context of the story, is the gold standard.

It also helps that the couple in question is likable. I admire Vivian’s persistence in staying with Gabriel. She’s just too forgiving in my opinion. True, she’s submissive, but she’s also got a lot of fire that you wouldn’t otherwise see. It’s the same with Gabriel. He was able to show a gentler side to himself, and that he took the time to court Vivian even though she was already guaranteed to be his wife. I like how awkward he is around his sisters and stepmother, and how, despite all the heated moments in the book, Angel still takes the time to show Gabriel as human, and that, in a way, Gabriel is just as innocent as Vivian when it comes to first (and only) love. It’s something I feel that Vivian would appreciate. He’s also very compassionate when it comes to disciplining Vivian, and practices open communication that a lot of couples lack nowadays. Despite the initial harshness of the relationship, the couple avoids a lot of drama by being straightforward with one another. It adds a layer of sweetness to an otherwise hot plot.

I enjoyed this book. I like how accurately the book depicts impact play (I’m looking at you, Fifty Shades), as well as how Angel depicts a healthy sexual relationship. I loved the tender moments that Vivian and Gabriel shared, as well as the instances of sweetness tucked in. As such, I would give this book a 5 out of 5 stars.

Book Info:

Set in Victorian England, this erotic BDSM novel features a courtship between a young woman and a dashing rake.

Gabriel, Earl of Cranborne, is in need of a wife-preferably a sweet, submissive, well-trained wife who could run his household during the day and obey him in the bedroom at night. When he meets Miss Vivian Stafford at a friend’s wedding, he finds himself drawn in by the exact traits he was looking for in his own wife and immediately moves to make her his own. Once the betrothal papers are signed, he arranges for her to attend Mrs. Cunningham’s Finishing School. This very special school will prepare her to be the wife of an Earl . . . and also prepare for her the very specific demands and discipline she’ll receive from her new husband at night.

Universal Reader link:

Here’s a teaser from the book…

As he pondered the conundrum, his attention barely on the conversation between his friends about the latest horse race, a bright flash of red caught his eye.

Not crimson like a rose, but the fiery orange-red of a sunrise. Quite beautiful and eye-catching, although red hair was supposedly unlucky. The sunrise-red stood out like a beacon through the more subdued shades and the boring pastel dresses of the other debutantes.

Intrigued, Gabriel shifted his position so that he had a better view of the owner of the sunrise hair.

Submissive? Or just well-behaved?

She was young, too young to have her hair up, which meant that she wasn’t out of the schoolroom quite yet, but old enough that she would be very soon. Definitely she was of the age when the young misses started planning their debuts and tactics for husband-hunting. The glorious bounty of locks was pulled back from her face, showing off her quiet beauty. She was wearing a pale green dress, which covered her trim little figure completely, but hinted at the woman she would become. Her pale, youthful face was pretty, almost like a doll’s, with brilliant green eyes, a straight nose, and a rosebud mouth. Quite striking, all put together, but her looks weren’t what held his attention.

It was the way she was sitting. Her eyes were downcast, properly, as a young lady’s should be, but unlike most young ladies, she wasn’t peeking through her eyelashes at the people around her. Instead, she seemed content to sit at her mother’s side, only speaking when directly addressed, a small smile on her face.

At one point, particularly raucous laughter nearby drew her attention to a group of young rowdies, and she looked up, but when her mother reached out and put her hand on her daughter’s arm, the young woman returned to her previous pose. More importantly, she did so without the slightest hint of resentment at the direction; in fact, she gave every evidence of relief at her mother’s guidance.

Certainly, she was different from the other young ladies, who simpered at their mothers’ commands but were otherwise resentful of their elders’ attempts to rein in their behavior. Her composure was intriguing, as were the sweet smiles she directed to the company around her. Despite several attempts by the nearby rowdies to get her attention-and Gabriel was sure it was her attention they were after-she didn’t glance at them again. Many young ladies would be flattered by such antics and would try to escape their mothers’ attention; he’d seen it time and time again. Women who were drawn to the excitement of rakes either ended up ruined or married to respectable men only to bear them an heir or two and then spend the rest of their lives enjoying rakes in their beds.

Definitely not the kind of marriage Gabriel wanted. As an accomplished seducer himself, he didn’t in general relish the idea of a woman who was constantly after the attentions of men. Seeing the young redhead actually following her mother’s direction and ignoring the young men was a novelty.

Gabriel moved closer, stealthily, still watching her every move. He knew part of his interest was because of Mary’s example, as he normally would have no interest in a young innocent who hadn’t even officially come out to society yet, but it didn’t stymie him now. Despite the young woman’s youth, she was old enough to attend the wedding, which meant she would probably be making her come-out next season. Besides, he truly doubted his sudden fascination would last past a few minutes of close observation.

As he watched, the young woman waited patiently to catch her mother’s eye, and then leaned in to murmur something. Her mother nodded and the young woman stood gracefully. Perhaps she wasn’t different from other young ladies at all; she was going to escape her mother now.

Instead of the expected walk that would take her by the laughing young men, she turned in the direction of the ladies’ retiring room. There were no sly glances to any of the men, no invitation in her eyes. Was she truly everything she seemed?

Completely losing interest in the conversation going on around him, Gabriel slid away from his friends, stalking after the young redhead like a hunter through a forest. She was headed straight to the retiring room, and he was within a few feet of her when she tripped over something on the floor and stumbled against George’s back as he and Mary moved away from a conversation with one of the guests.

George and Mary turned around, catching her from falling over completely, and Mary smiled delightedly at the young woman. Fortunately, Gabriel was close enough to listen in to the conversation. He prudently shifted his stance so he could still study the young woman without appearing to actually be looking at her.

“Vivian! Are you all right, dear?”

“Yes, Mary,” she said, blushing deeply.

The pretty pink on her cheeks clashed adorably with her fiery hair, Gabriel thought. Quite enchanting.

Vivian, as he surmised that was her name, looked up at George. “I’m so sorry, Lord Winchester, please excuse my clumsiness.”

George smiled genially down at her. “No need to apologize, it’s a complete crush in here.”

Reassured by his demeanor, Vivian’s lovely green eyes lowered again.

Gabriel was charmed as the red in her cheeks actually deepened at George’s reassurance. She was relieved. Pleased. Trusting.

Gorgeously, naturally submissive. Sweetly innocent.

He felt the urge to move even closer to her. There was something indefinably seductive about her, and not just in an erotic sense. Something about her called to him, intriguing him, even though he’d only just seen her. Gabriel had always scoffed at the notion of love at first sight. However, attraction or interest at first sight he couldn’t deny, because he was currently experiencing it. That she wasn’t presented was a small dilemma, as he couldn’t even ask for a formal introduction yet, much less court her.

But she could be worth waiting for. The thought whispered across his mind.

When she excused herself from them, gesturing towards the hall, he continued to follow her, feeling very much like he was on a hunt.

AUTHOR: Golden Angel

TITLE: Marriage Training

GENRES/TROPES: Historical, Erotic Romance, BDSM elements

DATE: May 14, 2019

PUBLISHER: Cleis Press



Guest Reviewer Bio:

My pen name is Robin Goodfellow. I fell in love with reading after I picked up Fallen by Lauren Kate. I am currently a licensed substance abuse counselor and LPC-A (although I hope to be an LPC soon). I was also a former math and special education teacher. Although I tried going to medical school, it didn’t work out. On the bright side, I’ve got more time for reading and writing! Mental health is a personal passion of mine, as is crochet, and annoying my husband.

So, what are other people saying about this book?

“Angel’s story is lush, deliciously detailed, and incredibly romantic. I WANT an earl for myself!” — Raisa Greywood, USA Today Bestselling Author

“The tone of this tale is set primarily by the sexual awakening of the innocent yet passionate Vivian as she flourishes under her unconventional education, but her chemistry with Gabriel makes this a satisfying emotional journey as well as a sizzling sensual tale. This is a perfect update of the Victorian erotic novel for the modern reader.” ―Publishers Weekly

“A decadent, steamy, erotic read” ― Wyldheart Reads

“Exceptionally steamy. . . I believe romance readers who enjoy novels set in aristocratic London society would enjoy Marriage Training and I also think readers who enjoyed the Fifty Shades books would enjoy this, especially since what is presented in this book is a far more informed example of BDSM practices.” ― Nerdy Girl Express

“Decadent, sensual, and utterly romantic. Marriage Training’s beautifully written and thoroughly naughty courtship is as unexpected as that first smack on an impish betrothed’s bottom. It’s as innocent as it is dirty, as taboo as it is sweet. Gabriel and Vivian are a match made in heaven. FIVE STARS!” ― Addison Cain, USA Today bestselling author

Looks fantastic! 😉 We’ll check it out… Thanks for reading our latest book review on ILRB! ♥ Have a great weekend, everyone!

Originally published at on May 28, 2023.



Marie Lavender
I Love Romance Blog

Multi-genre author of Victorian romance, UPON YOUR RETURN, and 20 other books. Blogger for ILRB & Writing in the Modern Age. Peace lover & fan of cute animals.