Book Review: Robin’s impression of McSexy by Sianah Nalika DeShield

Marie Lavender
I Love Romance Blog
8 min readApr 10, 2024

Hi, readers! The latest I Love Romance Blog review selection is McSexy by Sianah Nalika DeShield.

Take it away, Robin!


McSexy by Sianah Nalika DeShield

I received this book for free. This does not impact my review in any shape or form.

McSexy: An African Inspired Romance, by Sianah Nalika DeShield, is a billionaire romance about loving someone despite their many, many, many flaws. Mike Frimpong is a Ghanaian multimillionaire with a reputation for being an infamous playboy. After accepting a bet from his friend to get a woman pregnant, he suddenly finds himself falling head over heels for a beautiful, intelligent woman who is miles out of his league. Lily Annah is a university lecturer and beloved children’s writer struggling to help her family make ends meet. When she learns that her family will lose their home after a series of gargantuan debts her late father had left for them, Lily finds herself responding to a surrogacy ad that could pay the entire debt off and then some. She finds herself choosing between the billionaire playboy pursuing her and taking care of her family.

I like Lily. She is the embodiment of a successful woman who gives back to her community through her achievements and education.

The problem is that she follows the whole, “Oh, I’m educated and published a famous book and people are calling me beautiful, but I’m not that special”. It’s stereotypical. It’s not good. And it follows the longstanding tradition of women degrading themselves to get a man.

Now, humility in anyone is very sexy. But this is ridiculous. For someone to be a Ph.D. candidate and publish, you’ve got to have a certain level of confidence in yourself and if Lily doesn’t see herself as anything special, I don’t know how she was able to accomplish anything, especially with how hard it is for women to be taken seriously to begin with. The same could be said for Mike. In all honesty, if you ignore the fact that he’s rich, he sounds exactly like the men in the red pill movement. And after he found out Lily’s secret, with the reaction he had, personally, I would’ve taken the money then run. I can definitely see that if Lily and Mike get together, five years down the road, the relationship will end very badly. I’m not even gonna get into the whole surrogacy/relationship with Lily factor; this guy needs to suffer first before he can go after anyone for marriage. While I enjoy a certain wish fulfillment in my books, I cannot buy into this relationship.

Still, it’s not like the book doesn’t have any positives. I liked how fleshed out the relationship is between Lily and her mother, though I would’ve wanted to see more from Andrea and Lily. I grew up with parents like Mama Naa, and everything she said triggered me (in a good way). Moreover, the conversation Lily had with Andrea, I’ve had with my family. Not everything can be solved with one conversation. It takes a lot of practice and understanding to fix a situation like that. This subplot, while having a lot of potential, suffers from the same idealism that the romance does.

I do appreciate the community coming around Lily and Mike. I love how protective Uncle Richard and Mama Naa are of her reputation. It emphasizes the painful reality of the struggles a woman goes through to make something of herself in this world. It seemed that the only people that have any sense in them were Uncle Richard, Maggie, and Mary. And if the relationship were less problematic, I loved seeing the connections Mike made with Billy. But no. No, Mike ruined that at the end.

Well, he ruined it in the beginning too with his toxicity, but more so at the end.

So for now, I’m giving this book a rating of 2 out of 5 stars.

Many thanks, Robin! ♥

Book Info:

A young author,
A rich businessman,
A fairytale love,
And a dare to ruin it all.

Meet, Lily Annah, a young, smart, and beautiful lecturer. Her family needs money to pay off their bank loan. While she has been grinding to do it, there’s little hope. But on her book launch, her life is going to change when she meets Mike Frimpong, a famous and wealthy businessman. For Lily, it is a matter of love, for Mike, its play in his series of flings. This time, it comes with a challenge on his manhood, to get a girl pregnant. Will Lily fall in love with the man she shouldn’t? Will Mike be her shot at love? Or be the one who breaks her heart?

Read between the covers of McSexy, a twisted love story between two souls that is never meant to be.

Universal Reader link:

Here’s a teaser from the book…

It’s time for questions and answers, people begin to send in their questions as Lily answers them with mastery. I am intrigued and speechless, and I can only stare at her all day thinking about nothing else but this beautiful woman sitting on stage.

When the ceremony is over, Richard gets up and strolls to his niece. I can see the pride on his face. I have never seen him this happy. He’s like a proud father. I can’t wait to be a father to a baby girl with Lily’s smile.

I make my way to her to join the group of people greeting her.

“Awesome. I am so impressed with your work. I can’t wait to read the book. The children are blessed to have you write for them,” I speak in a frenzied voice. I don’t understand why I sound like this, but I am going insane just looking at Lily. Her staggeringly ingenuous beauty makes me want to claim her.

Is she single? I don’t see a ring on her finger. Does she have a boyfriend? What woman this beautiful doesn’t have a boyfriend? If she doesn’t have a boyfriend, can I be her boyfriend? For her, I would gladly get over my one night rule and make it thousands of nights. And if she’s single, the men who know her need to be shot in the head for first grade stupidity.

I stand lost in my thoughts waiting for the girl who cut into my conversation with Lily to whisper something to her. Hurry up, girly. I need to talk to this woman. The woman finishes, and then I see Lily stare at me with a smile.

“Mike?” Lily calls my name. I look at her and Lily signals it’s my turn. Oops, Mike, breathe.

“Do I have to buy the book to get the information?” I query, before I even realize how stupid that sounds. You can’t blame me. I was just lost thinking about the woman. What do you think would have happened if I said something? But is that the only thing I could come up with? Of all the things in the world to talk about, I ask an obvious question.

“Yes, Mike. It’s obvious you have to.” She smiles politely at me. This is supposed to be a pity smile, but it doesn’t feel like it to me. Any smile from her is okay with me. I smile back, Lily’s eyes light up, letting me know it’s genuine. I love it when people offer a genuine smile. With fake smiles around, it is refreshing seeing someone who smiles with their eyes.

“How about you sign one for me,” I plead, not taking my eyes off her.

“Follow me,” Lily gestures, walking away from the front of the desk on the east side of the library to sign the books. She takes her seat behind the pile of books and writes in one. When she’s done signing the book, she hands it to me. “Here you go, Mike. This will be thirty-five cedis,” she says handing me the book. I take the book from her and thrust my hand into my pocket for money. All I find is ten cedis. I didn’t bring my checkbook either.

Okay, this is a little embarrassing. How will I walk away without paying for the book when everyone is looking at me? What Millionaire doesn’t have money? They must think now.

“Aww,” I groan, embarrassed and angry with myself. I forgot my checkbook at the ultimate wrong time. “I am sorry, I don’t have enough cash to buy the book. I must have left my checkbook on my desk in my office,” I explain, trying to save face from all the ogling eyes around us.

Seeing my embarrassment, Lily laughs softly. “Oh, it’s no problem. You don’t have to buy it today.” She dismisses the topic as if it’s no big deal. “Let’s do this,” she suggests with a bigger smile. “Take the book with you and spend the weekend reading it. Send me a check after you have read it with a critical review of the book.”

Lily looks at me for approval. Well, that’s what you get from trying to date a lecturer.

“Wow, a critical review for not having enough money. I have never felt this poor in my life,” I reply, an attempt at levity, making everyone around laugh as well. Lily snickers and lowers her gaze on the books. “Okay, Professor. We have a deal. Where do I send the check?” I inquire in a playful tone, silently celebrating I will have an address to contact her.

She takes the book from my hand and writes an address under her signature. On second thought, I am glad I forgot my checkbook on my desk today if it made me get this beautiful lady’s address. Sometimes things just happen for the better. Who knew my forgetfulness would get me the address of the most beautiful woman I have ever met?

I see Richard watching me. His eyes give a blank look I find difficult to read. He knows I like his niece and now that I have her address, I will be reaching out to her. The question is, does he approve? The answer here is, I don’t care if he does or not.

AUTHOR: Sianah Nalika DeShield


GENRE: Multicultural Romance, Billionaire Romance

RELEASE DATE: January 13, 2021

PUBLISHER: Indie Published


OUR RATING: ♥♥ 2 stars


Guest Blogger/Reviewer Bio:

My pen name is Robin Goodfellow. I fell in love with reading after I picked up Fallen by Lauren Kate. I am currently a licensed substance abuse counselor and LPC-A (although I hope to be an LPC soon). I was also a former math and special education teacher. Although I tried going to medical school, it didn’t work out. On the bright side, I’ve got more time for reading and writing! Mental health is a personal passion of mine, as is crochet, and annoying my husband.

This book looks intriguing! ♥ We’ll check it out…

Thanks for reading our latest book review on ILRB! ♥ Have a great rest of your week, everyone!

Originally published at on April 10, 2024.



Marie Lavender
I Love Romance Blog

Multi-genre author of Victorian romance, UPON YOUR RETURN, and 20 other books. Blogger for ILRB & Writing in the Modern Age. Peace lover & fan of cute animals.