Guest Book Review: Sarah’s impression of Reva’s River by Virginia Babcock

Marie Lavender
I Love Romance Blog
3 min readDec 17, 2022

Hi, readers! Please welcome Sarah B., our guest book reviewer, to ILRB! She’ll be hanging out with us today, taking the time to give us her take on a cool romance novel! Let’s give her a hand…

Sarah, take it away and show us what you have for today.


Reva’s River by Virginia Babcock

With this book, honestly, it took me a long time to read. I don’t know. Was it the book, or just me?…

I would say I “Liked” it. I would tell my friends about it, of course. I just don’t know, some books are a little hard to understand and picture it in your head. I don’t “hate it”. It did seem a bit slow, though. It wasn’t boring, but I was like, when is this going to end. Yet, once I turned the last page, it “hurt”. It was a bit painful, which is why I think this is only three hearts for me.

No worries, it still qualifies as a romance.

Category: Romantic Adventure

Book blurb:

Robert Leland has been through a rough couple of years. First, his wife divorced him after she had an affair with the senior partner in her law firm, then he was tortured nearly to death after the mobsters he was staking out found out about his FBI undercover assignment. His injuries have cost him more than his cover, and it will take years for him to regain his physical abilities. In the meantime, his FBI boss wants him out of the team-there’s no room in the DC mob taskforce for an undercover who can’t walk.

Reva Findstein needed a change. Her family had deserted her for Israel and were now happily embracing their Jewish history while she languished in the old Maryland neighbourhood. Only her DC FBI career had kept her occupied through her long, lonely days lately. Now, after nearly 20 years, she wondered whether she should quit the FBI and find something else. Then, Reva’s boss takes on a special case. They need to transition a new agent for their terrorist team. He’s in bad shape after running afoul of the mobsters he was investigating.

Can Reva help Robert regain his humanity? Will helping Robert give Reva something to live for after all these years? Sparks fly, but can these two overcome years of baggage and physical and mental anguish in order to grab a second chance at love?

Universal Reader Link: Here’s a short teaser from the book… AUTHOR: Virginia Babcock

“You’ll be okay, Reva, Stay with me. You’ll be okay, I got you. Stay with me, Reva…”

TITLE: Reva’s River

GENRE: Romance, fiction, action & adventure, contemporary

ASIN: B015EJRGOO/978–1625262776

Release Date: September 14, 2015

Publisher: Solstice Publishing


Thanks for reading our latest book review on ILRB! ♥ Have a great rest of your week, everyone!

Guest Blogger Bio:

Hi! I’m an avid reader in Australia, love to read romance or watch TV, and write. I hope to one day develop reviewing skills, and maybe “start my own blog”. You can find me on my medium, as I sometimes write articles.

Medium Profile:

Thanks for reading our latest book review on ILRB! ♥ Have a great rest of your week, everyone!

Originally published at on December 17, 2022.



Marie Lavender
I Love Romance Blog

Multi-genre author of Victorian romance, UPON YOUR RETURN, and 20 other books. Blogger for ILRB & Writing in the Modern Age. Peace lover & fan of cute animals.