Book Review: Robin’s impression of On His Watch by Susanne Matthews

Marie Lavender
I Love Romance Blog
10 min readDec 1, 2023

Hi, readers! The latest I Love Romance Blog review selection is On His Watch by Susanne Matthews.

Take it away, Robin!


On His Watch by Susanne Matthews

On His Watch, by Suzanne Matthews, is a romance thriller about a single mother who regains her pride, all the while falling in love with a man who secures her physically and emotionally. After a hit gone wrong, Nikki Hart finds herself being hunted down by an assassin who never fails to kill his targets. She meets an FBI agent named Jason Spark, who vows to protect her after mishandling an emergency that nearly led to both her and her daughter’s deaths. Together, the two must find a way to outwit this assassin and uncover the reason why Nikki was targeted before things further spiral out of control.

This book was enjoyable. True, it screamed rich people problems, but it was enjoyable nonetheless. I liked how realistic Nikki was when she found out about Jason’s reaction to the 911 call, and how protective she is of her daughter. Although she couldn’t remember her children before, you could tell how much she loves them based on how visceral her reactions were. Moreover, Nikki isn’t a pushover, and although the men in her life have tried to keep her obedient, she’s always had her children’s safety in mind, and in doing so, knew full well she needed to be strong to keep them safe. That being said, I loved how Jason fit into the family and how adorkable their interactions were. Personally, I would’ve enjoyed the story more had not there been an action element to it, but the buildup was good, as was the tension.

There’s a definite parallel between Nikki and the main villain of the story. Without going into too much, there’s a reason why women need to be strong, why we can’t just sit back and let the men do all the work. If we rely on someone too much, borderline codependency, when they leave it’s like they take our entire identities with us. We get severe tunnel vision, and destroy the world around us just to get back at them. Throughout the book Nikki ensures her daughter’s safety, and takes steps to make herself more secure, even if it meant stepping on toes. The villain, on the other hand, couldn’t seem to bring themselves to do that, and it was only until it was too late did they finally snap. It’s true that men and women rely on each other mentally and emotionally, but that doesn’t mean you can entrust yourself entirely to someone. Even Nikki’s daughter, Mandy understood that, and that was completely on accident.

I enjoyed the romantic and family elements of the book. Again, I felt the book could do without the action thriller, since I felt like I was reading two stories in one. I appreciate how Nikki’s focus remained on her family, and when Jason proved himself, he eventually became a part of that family. As such, I would give this book a 4 out of 5 stars.

Many thanks, Robin!

Book Info:

A helpless victim with amnesia. A jaded FBI agent sworn to protect her. A killer for hire out for blood.

After an incident that leaves him questioning his worth as an FBI Special Agent, Jason Spark fills in for his brother at the local sheriff’s office. He’s sent to check out an odd 911 call, unwittingly stepping into a horrifying bloodbath straight out of a Hollywood slasher movie, complete with cryptic clues scrawled on the wall.

The investigation turns up one suspect: The Butcher, an elusive killer for hire linked to the Sicilian mob. What can the mob want with a doctor and his family? The answers lie with the wife, clinging to life.

When survivor Nikki Hart awakens, her memory is a blank slate. She doesn’t know her name, can’t recall anything about herself, or what happened to her. Even her young daughter is a stranger. Terrified, she clings to the memory of the angel who comforted her in her darkest moments. Was he real or just a figment of her imagination?

As the news of Nikki’s recovery spreads, Jason fears they’ve put her in the ruthless killer’s sights once more. He’ll do whatever it takes to protect her and her daughter, the family he wishes were his.

In protective custody, love grows, but danger lingers. The assassin won’t quit until he fulfills the contract. When Nikki learns the truth about the worst night of her life, she’s horrified. Will she make the right decision or put herself and her daughter in danger once more?

Universal Reader link:

Here’s a teaser from the book…

Grabbing the flashlight out of his bag on the backseat, he opened the door, only to have it yanked out of his hand. Thanks to the wind, the cold rain soaked through his clothes in an instant. Moving around to the back, he opened the tailgate and reached for the tow rope Rick had asked him to pick up. Talk about a lucky coincidence.
Fighting the wind, he walked around to the front of the truck and
secured one end of the rope to the truck’s bumper, holding onto the line as he
walked toward the vehicle.
The tree’s lighter top branches had landed on a newer model luxury
sedan. He caught glimpses of the car through the branches and saw that the
light was on inside and its windows were fogged. There was definitely
someone in the car.
Once he slipped under the branches, the rain barely touched him. He
pushed his way through the budding foliage until he reached the driver’s side
door. He tapped on the window, and jumped back when a woman screamed,
and the piercing, shrieking cry of a frightened child erupted from the vehicle.
“Lady, it’s okay.” He yelled to be heard above the wails of the wind
and the child. “Open the window. I’m an FBI agent.”

Where had he put his damn credentials?

“Is anyone injured in there?”

The child’s cries continued to echo and actually got louder as the window slowly slid down, proof that the battery was on its last legs.
The first thing he saw was a Padres’ cap under which was the most
incredible red hair imaginable. Reaching past her shoulders, it reminded him
of fine copper wire. Frightened almond-shaped hazel eyes stared at him out
of a pale face, the only color provided by a smattering of freckles across her
nose. She reminded him of one of the paintings he’d seen at that gallery he’d
visited last month in Washington. Almost too beautiful to be real.
“You’re an answer to prayer,” she said. “If I ever needed an angel, it’s
“Believe me, I’m no angel, but I’m here to help.”
“I was beginning to think no one could. I’ve tried to call my husband,
but there’s no answer on his cellphone, at the clinic, or at the house. With the
children, I didn’t dare leave the car and try to walk in this mess.”
He glanced into the car and saw the sullen boy sitting in the back seat,
his hands over his ears trying to block out the sound of his sister’s crying. He
could sympathize. Did all little girls cry in that high-pitched voice?
“Mandy, it’s okay, honey,” she said, trying to soothe the child whose
face was buried in her teddy bear — at least he thought it was a bear. “This
man is going to help us. We’ll be home soon.”
Jason smiled. “Leaving a vehicle in weather like this is never a good
idea. My brother’s the sheriff and helps on its way. I called as soon as I saw
the tree. Is anyone hurt?” He noted the bruise on her upper arm, but it didn’t
seem like a new one.
“We’re fine. Just a little scared.” She smiled.
Sirens in the distance grew louder as they neared, cutting off abruptly.
“Jason? Where are you?” Rick yelled, the sound of leaves rustling and
twigs snapping announcing his arrival.
“Over here,” he called.
Rick came out of the foliage, his campaign hat askew, and looked
over the front of the car, his eyes widening as he took in the damage.
“Is everyone okay?” he asked. “That’s not going to be easy to fix.”
“Yeah,” he answered. “There’s a woman and two kids inside. They’re
cold and scared, but fine otherwise.”
“Paramedics are on the way just in case. Bud needs help tying the tree
to pull it off the road. Can you go help him? I’ve got this.”
Jason turned to the woman. Those gray-green eyes imprinted
themselves on his soul.
“You’re in good hands,” he said to her. “Your husband will be glad to
see you all home safe. He looked at the car, realizing how much worse it
could’ve been.
“Thanks.” White teeth bit into her lower lip before a smile brightened
her face. “If I ever need rescuing again, I’ll ask for the same hero angel.”
Jason chuckled. “Believe me, as I said, I’m no angel, but you’re
welcome. Glad I could help.”

Chapter One
“You’ve grown at least three inches taller this summer. Grandma
won’t recognize you when she sees you at Christmas.” Nikki Hart smiled
down at her daughter, Mandy, all arms and legs, reminding her of a new foal
who had yet to adjust to its body. She pulled the pink princess nightgown
over the child’s head. The sleeves didn’t reach her wrists. Something else
she’d outgrown. Sam wasn’t going to be happy about it, but the child would
need new clothes — again.
Starting kindergarten tomorrow. Where had the time gone?
They’d moved from San Francisco to Larosa, this small town in the
mountains on the edge of wine country, almost six months ago. She still
missed the hustle and bustle of the big city and her friends, as did the
children, but for their sake and the sake of her marriage — such as it was — she
was doing her best to adapt.
Mandy’s shoulder-length, sun-bleached tresses gleamed in the soft
bedroom light, their strawberry scent filling the room with freshness. Since
she’d turned five two weeks ago, her daughter had grown an independent
streak a mile long; if anyone tried to take away the strawberry-scented
shampoo and body wash named after her favorite doll, they’d be in for a
battle. She might have given up her blanket, but some things were sacrosanct.
“I’m older now. I’m supposed to get bigger,” Mandy replied seriously, staring at her with her father’s dark brown eyes. She reached out and patted Nikki’s belly. “I’m going to be a big sister, not just a little one. Daddy said only babies are afraid of the dark. I’m not a baby. I can do this.”
Mandy took a deep breath and stared down at the child-size sleeping
bag on the guest room floor beside the bed covered with a navy and white
handmade quilt.
“Are you sure you want to do this tonight? There isn’t any hurry. You
have a big day tomorrow.”
The stubborn set of her daughter’s shoulders was all the answer she
needed. With her arms crossed over her chest, she looked so much like her
father in one of his moods, Nikki couldn’t help but laugh. She shook her
“Do you have everything you need?”
Mandy nodded and crawled into the sleeping bag, pulling her doll in
beside her and picking up the flashlight she’d set on the pillow earlier. “I
have the big flashlight and Benji.” She indicated the baby doll.
“Tell me when you’re ready, and I’ll push you under the bed. I still
don’t understand why you have to sleep under this bed.”
“Because it’s the darkest place in the house, Mommy. I checked
everywhere, even the basement. There are too many spiders and yucky bugs
down there. I don’t want Lily, Megan, and Sally to think I’m a baby. That’s
why I have to practice, so I won’t be scared.”
She should have guessed. Only the power of a sleepover invitation
could have pushed her daughter this far out of her comfort zone.
Nikki could empathize. At thirty-eight, she was still uncomfortable in
dark, unfamiliar places and wasn’t immune to the nightmares that had
plagued her for years. Maybe such fears were hereditary.
“You’ll be fine, sweetie. I doubt Lily’s living room will be completely
dark anyway, and you won’t be alone.”
“Joey says the puppies can leave their mother soon. Please can you
ask Daddy again if we can have one? Joey says it’ll be free. I wouldn’t need
any other birthday presents — not even a party. Danny and I will take care of
it, I promise. Daddy isn’t home much. We could keep the puppy out of his
Nikki shook her head. “You know, honey, just because you want
something doesn’t mean that you can have it. Even a free puppy is a lot of
work…” She stopped as the joy faded from her daughter’s eyes.

She was starting to sound more and more like Sam. Would it really be
that bad? God knows she’d always wanted a dog of her own, one of those
cute little Shetland sheepdogs, a miniature version of Lassie … Maybe for
once, she should put her foot down. What was the worst he could do?

Rubbing the bruise on her upper arm, she sighed.
“I know, Mommy.” Mandy echoed her sigh. Nikki bent down and
gave her daughter a loud, smacking kiss.
“Let me talk to Daddy. I’m not promising anything.”

AUTHOR: Susanne Matthews

TITLE: On His Watch

GENRE: Romantic Suspense, Mystery Romance

RELEASE DATE: May 15, 2018



OUR RATING: ♥♥♥♥ 4 stars


Guest Blogger/Reviewer Bio:

My pen name is Robin Goodfellow. I fell in love with reading after I picked up Fallen by Lauren Kate. I am currently a licensed substance abuse counselor and LPC-A (although I hope to be an LPC soon). I was also a former math and special education teacher. Although I tried going to medical school, it didn’t work out. On the bright side, I’ve got more time for reading and writing! Mental health is a personal passion of mine, as is crochet, and annoying my husband.

This book looks interesting! ♥ We’ll check it out…

Thanks for reading our latest book review on ILRB! ♥ Have a great rest of your week, everyone!

Originally published at on November 30, 2023.



Marie Lavender
I Love Romance Blog

Multi-genre author of Victorian romance, UPON YOUR RETURN, and 20 other books. Blogger for ILRB & Writing in the Modern Age. Peace lover & fan of cute animals.