5 situations that tell you are ready to start-up

We definitely have a hibernating entrepreneur inside. Dive down to identify the calling…

I. M. H. O.
Published in
3 min readNov 20, 2013


Yes, you read it right! We definitely have an entrepreneur within us that needs to be given atleast one chance in the lifetime to flourish. Quite disappointing though that few of us never come to realize this potential & those of us who have an understanding, ignore this fact to deprive themselves from the sublime joy of self-realization. To make things a bit easier, let us take into consideration few situations in life that might act as a green signal for your entrepreneurial streak:

  1. You flunked in your Grad school!

No, I will not be talking about the famous dropouts. I will be talking about you. You just realized conventional education is not for you! There can be numerous reasons behind your ‘momentarily failure’. Life is hinting you pretty early to pause & start painting your perception of world into reality. What can be a better platform than a grad school to look out for some potent issues that have plagued the your surrounding since long. Go ahead & device a solution that would make the world swoon over your ability to reveal ‘the real you.’ Make sure you get in a position to employ your peers once you graduate with them! I know you can do it, just start working towards it.

2. You had a break-up!

I am talking about the one relation for which you gave everything. Yes, that special one. So from the point I see, you have learnt the most important lesson that ‘personal equations are dynamic.’ Trust me, this realization is precious. You get the opportunity to learn how even the most idealistic situations in life can go bonkers. Every business is based on the pillars of human interaction and you have got your pillars well set in. You will never make a decision based on spur of moment. That’s the quality of a successful entreprenuer. March ahead & create an unparalled answer to the the unresolved questions around you.

3. You did not receive desired appraisal!

Do not ever get into self-deprecating mode & start skimming through blog-posts for self-improvements. If you are sure your value has not been recognized to its fullest potential, let me tell you it is not going to be so in next 20 years. If you know your worth, you are one who would reward yourself. Rest everything is just a mirage to keep you off from pushing your boundaries. Ponder for while to lend wings to your potential. People perform best under the roof of self-actualization. Turn your head around & pick up something that will improve & reward your existence every single day & not annually!

4. Your kids think you are a ‘busy-dad’!

How can you do such thing to your children? If you realize this fact that you do not invest time with your kids regularly & do nothing about it; you have taken a wrong turn on the highway. I will not tell you that money alone won’t shape the future of your children. Take out a day from your life to do the simple calculation of the gains & losses you are making everyday.Alternatives do exist, hobbies/interests can be turned into livlihood. Transform your so-called responsibilities into a story that you would love to read every single moment of your existence. It is possible, it’s just either people have not tried it or philosophers have not written well-enough about it!

5. You think you are not ‘retired’ yet!

Please transform that ‘autumn’ into ‘spring’. Retirement does not mean enjoying sun-shine in a fancy balcony. Help yourself to come out of the ‘utilized’ mentality. Of course the choice needs to be prudent enough, but the initiative can be taken any moment. You are not done till the time you do not want it. You have a story to share, & there is no dearth of ears. All that you need is to decide on the kind of packaging you prefer. Takers will always be there. Golden years can be tranformed into ‘diamond’ or even ‘platinum’ ones. I don’t believe it is over & even you don’t believe it. Show me you don’t!

Do not forget to share your story of passion! with me. Reach me at@kdipanshuon Twitter.

