Photo by Lorenzo Strambi (me)

5 steps to stop wasting your time

From doing things to think.

Lorenzo Strambi
I. M. H. O.
Published in
2 min readJun 26, 2013


1. Reduce the frequency for e-mails checking

Is it more important to respond to an email within 2 minutes or to do meaningful work? If you receive an email that can take you less than 1 minute to respond do it right away, anyway put it in a to-do folder. You’ll work that folder for about 30 minutes every 3 hours (or 3 time slots a day).

Doing so should stop distracting you from your work flow.

2. Reduce also the inefficient and ineffective meetings

They start late; the wrong people are present; the purpose of the meeting is unclear; people ramble and repeat points already made; no-one is clear what is being agreed; the minutes are not always captured and people leave the meeting with a different sense of what is going to happen.

3. Delegate!

If you have an assistant at work, evaluate if there are additional tasks you can delegate to them.

Someone think that this approach is abdicating control and responsibility; don’t worry, the responsibility for the tasks that you have delegated is still yours after you have delegated.

4. Write a To-Do List

Writing a To-Do List as soon as you reach your office will help your mind run through the day and organize it.
Prioritize everything on the list so if you don’t have time for everything, you at least get the most important items done.

5. Avoid procastination

You really need an explanation for this step?


Try some “advanced technique” as:



