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5 Things I’d love the Medium Team to fix

I love this product. Make it better

Paras Kapadia
I. M. H. O.
Published in
2 min readSep 5, 2013


I use Medium a lot. These things annoy me. Help me out —

  1. The ‘More’ button goes at the end

When I’ve gone through a list of previewed posts in a ‘Most Recommended’ section, I’m searching for a ‘More’ button at the end of the list. Scrolling back to the section header to click on ‘More’ is clumsy

2. Don’t shake my world

Notes are great. Moving the post to the left to accommodate a note editing surface — not so much

3. The contextual menu worked. Don’t shake my world. Again

A ‘Square’ with the letter ‘M’ that’s still ‘within’ the window (not in a corner) screams drop-down not right expand.The old menu UI was great. Changing it for notifications seems meh. Just make the button green if I have notifications. Don’t shake my world. Again

4. I use a Mouse. Don’t punish me

Unlike the natural thing to do, I use a mouse to navigate between the lines in my post when I’m authoring and I need to change stuff. Opening up the note editing surface every time I click to move the cursor is punishment

5. I like to use aphostrophes. It ‘isn’t’ helping

I don’t deserve the squiggly under the word every time I write isn’t. It isn’t cool medium.

That’s all for now. You can fix the Search UI and make Collections more easy to access later.

- Your fan



Paras Kapadia
I. M. H. O.

Too much pondering. Very little writing. It’s not working @parascal