iOS 7 Thoughts & 10 Cool New Features

My Thoughts

Travis Favaron
I. M. H. O.
2 min readJun 13, 2013


First, I would like to point out that I myself have never had to design a mobile operating system. I’m willing to bet that most people out there have not designed a mobile operating system. It’s hard.

I have designed apps before, both web and mobile, and I know first hand that keeping consistency both visually and interaction is challenging. I can’t imagine that on the scale of an OS.

Many people have come out to say that Apple took a great step in the right direction and I agree. They took the first step to bringing consistency back to iOS. Yes, the stock icons look pretty bad. Yes, some of the UX is questionable. But they took the leap. Something that many thought Apple may never do with iOS.

Not too long ago we were all criticizing Apple for taking incremental steps with each iOS release. Now we are criticize for the big steps as well.Maybe Apple is implementing a Lean Startup mentality now. Who knows? Either way, remember, this is a beta. A lot can change before the “fall” release.

10 Cool New Features

Due to all the UI craziness a bunch of the cool new small features have been lost in the noise. After using the beta for a little while here are some small features that are pretty slick.

  1. Swipe down to search iPhone
  2. TV screen off animation when you power down (not useful but looks pretty cool)
  3. Newstand can go inside of another folder (a small win, but big for me)
  4. Vimeo and Flickr are now native social integrations
  5. Slide to unlock from anywhere on the lock screen
  6. AMBER alerts and Emergency alerts… Pretty cool (except I do wonder who defines “emergency”)
  7. You can allow or disallow the new background refresh app by app
  8. You can have Siri only give you voice feedback when you are in “hands free” mode
  9. Left edge to go back is actually really slick and you don’t accidentally activate it that often
  10. Compass app now has a level (3 way - Vertical edge, horizontal edge, flat on back)

I’m on twitter - @tfav

