The official JAX LONDON 2013 T-Shirt.

JAX London rocks!

Hint: it’s not all about Java and Big Data played a big role.

Michael Hausenblas
I. M. H. O.
Published in
3 min readOct 31, 2013


From 28 to 30 October 2013 the JAX London took place and I had the pleasure to be there. I met so many cool people, had so many great chats on the side and learned about interesting stuff that it’s hard to find a starting point. Oh well, here we go …

From Richard Pijnenburg of Elasticsearch I learned about logstash, an open source tool for managing events and logs:

Nathan Bijnens (DataCrunchers) gave a very interesting talk on `A Real-Time Architecture Using Hadoop & Storm`, essentially explaining how to apply the Lambda Architecture:

I then got to meet Christoph Engelbert (Hazelcast Inc.) and had a great chat about how versatile Hazelcast—an open source in-memory data grid we’re also utilising in Apache Drill—is. Sorry Chris, the pic I took is not really presentable, but here is the cool book I got from you guys, thanks again!

I would then sit in Ian Robinson’s awesome session on `Designing and Building a Graph Database Application`. Ian is from Neo Technology, and they provide Neo4j, one of the leading graph databases:

I very much enjoyed SoundCloud’s Bruno Sá, who talked about `Data Democratization at SoundCloud`, a run-down on their BI infrastructure,using Hadoop/EMR, Red Shift and Tableau:

Last but not least, I’d like to point out Dwight Merriman’s keynote on `Databases and Agile Development`. Dwight, who’s a founder of MongoDB impressed the audience, being equally proficient in talking about RoI of NoSQL databases as in mastering the command line—he did some live shell commands with Mongo; finally, an exec who can code ;)

Oh. Right. I also had the pleasure to talk about the status of Apache Drill—check out the slide deck and the GitHub repo underlying the live demo I gave (thanks to Nathan for taking the pic):

To sum up: it was a great event, with great people and topics (esp. around the Big Data track). Big kudos to the organisers as well and I’m definitely looking forward to the next JAX.



Michael Hausenblas
I. M. H. O.

open-source observability @ AWS | opinions -: own | 塞翁失马