Monetize your Inbox

Blogging and Making Money from Your Advice

Rehan Wijetunge
I. M. H. O.
Published in
2 min readMay 3, 2013


Doesn’t that just make sense?

Currently the primary and probably only sustainable way to make money off blogging is from advertising and let’s be honest consumers are numbing to the ads leading to lower CTRs and in effect lower incomes so what’s the solution, an affiliate program, write a book, speaking gigs?!

Most bloggers are a long shot from any of those options but if you’ve been moderately successful you’ll have one thing in common with the VIBs (Very Important Bloggers) and that’s an overflowing inbox!

Emails from people simply thanking you for your advice to those asking you for your specific take on something, and that’s a currently untapped revenue source, people having read your blog and respect you are actually asking for your advice just like they would a consultant - and consultants charge for their advice!

Starting off give people the option of paying you an incentive for a response as that is what people want and are willing to pay for since it beats curating an email just to have it lie in your inbox without a response, so you’re giving people what they want, your time in exchange for a fee.

Funnily enough such a system exists because I created it a few weeks back though the idea existed for decades and now it seems that it could actually make a difference since we do live in a knowledge economy and bloggers have made significant progress by sharing their insights with the world - so time you got compensated, don’t you think?

SenderPays is the service which allows senders to pay an incentive of $5, $10, $25, $50 or $100 to get noticed and hopefully get a response and it’s a no-risk service since if they don’t get a reply, they get a full refund after 7 days.

Register your as an alternate email address which simply forwards paid-for-email to your primary email address so you don’t have to maintain yet another account (hate that)


SenderPays for Custom Domains let’s you register your primary email address so any email sent to that will ask for payment (or let your contacts type in the last 5-digits of your mobile number so they get a free pass since that’s what friends do, right?) or else be moved to the folder named ‘ALLMAILS’ which is accessible to your at any time and those from your contacts or have been paid for will be in your INBOX - it’s that simple!

First published on my blog, on April 26th.

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Rehan Wijetunge
I. M. H. O.

Startup enthusiast, software engineer, dreamer :D Progressively taking Email to v2.0 via