Introduction to Berlin Startup Scene


Bojan Babic
I. M. H. O.
Published in
4 min readSep 15, 2013


As I drink Berliner in St Oberholz and digest Rosenburger, though window on Rosenthaler platz I look at Drivenow Mini (Berlin version of Zipcar) waiting on red light. Across from my place, waiter at bar plays my favorite mix on Soundcloud. I really like Rosenthaler platz. It is heart of Berlin startup community. Just around corner is Early Bird Ventures office and down Torstrasse home of numerous startups. My train of thoughts where interupted by incoming push notification from Meetup notifying me about upcoming nearby event. Experience attending the most of Berlin Meetups makes eyes roll. I don’t think I’m going to this event. Or any other in near future. Crux of Berlin events attendees are wannabies mixed with business people that read TC and YC and think that they are next big thing. General notion is that not much talent. But still, I’ve met some extraodinary people at Scala, Python and Functional Programing Meetups.

In last two years I’ve attended dozen of events and most of them suck. Furthest I recall (or first big disapointment) goes back to Hackfwd —allegedly highly appreciated event within aspiring founders. Event was flooded with referrals (people that give you introduction to VC in exchange for percentage of closing round) preying for next big thing. If you are make it there, you will loose 30% of VC round (27% event + 3% referrals). Another thing that sticks out is that event judges use traditional vanity metrics in order to pick winners. Next event that has been huge disapoinmnet was Europas, event started in a London bar couple of years ago. This event supposed to celebrate European startups, but event is nothing but event built by Mike Butcher for self promotion of Mike Butcher. Obviously, he is taking footsteps of his former boss Mike Arrington. Berlin is flooded with events that charge exhuberant amount to broke ass startups so they can well … network. Young entrepreneurs should completely ignore all of them. Really, do not spend money of conferences and useless events. Instead focus on product and your own team. If you really want to go these event, hack your way in. Beg, steal and borrow. Only event worth attending is Fridays at 6 show, there you can meet all people that you can meet on payed conferences. F6 main focus is on interviews, however those are not best part of the show — it is people that gather. If you really want to take part in Berlin startup scene, that is only event you need to attend.

But it is not all that bad. People in Berlin and more precisely startup community is extremely good at creating environment that fosters startups. Berlin figured it out by creating ecosystem of events that help young aspiring entrepreneurs build up skills that are required in order to get funding. Cofounder dating, hackatons and show offs, pitching events, close encounter with VCs and much more. Also be aware that some events have shady organizers who will try to offer their “startup expertise” in exchange for hourly fee ( be free to contact me if you want to know exact details ). Silicon Valley ridicule these kind of people and put then on wall of shame, so should Berlin.

Look at these events as elimination rounds for people as well for startup ideas. For startups that pass through all elemination rounds, meet dream cofounder, build MVP and get some tracktion, there are bloggers that will cover your startup. Writters from big tech blogs read Berlin based blogs and your startup might be picked up by writters from TechCrunch or TNW. Same pattern I’ve seen while reading in book Trust me I’m Liying, which is much read for those who want to understand how media and blogs work. Cover by Venture Village or Sillicon Alle, followed by mention in bigger media outlet will give you initial tracktion hockey stick. From that point on it is all about keeping up to promise you made your investors and keep tracktion “up and to the right” . Piece of cake, right? Ask Amen for advice.Amen used to be by far most promissing consumer startup (my thought about it I’ll post some of upcoming posts). Berlin is city that founds biggest percentage of startups by far, but most of them struggle to get pass angel/seed round. That is reality Berlin startups face. Most of Berlin Startups will fail. Still there are people pouring in from Europe and distant parts of world to this beautiful city. In my opinion, main reason for that is huge buzz blog outlets create. Question is can Berlin keep expectation along with buzz it creates?

That would be it for now. In next part, I’d like to dedicate to Founding company and incubators in Berlin.

