Affordable Care Act Failed New Small Businesses

A letter to a congressman about my disappointment in the Affordable Care Act raising healthcare costs and leaving small business owners out to dry. 

Jeremiah Craig
I. M. H. O.


I sent the following letter to Congressman of my district, David Schweikert. I decided that it should also be posted here on Medium so others know of my story in case it should be ignored by my Representative.

My name is Jeremiah Craig and I would like to share with you my experience with the “Affordable Care Act” and how it has let me down as a new small business owner.

Before I left my full time job in November of 2013 to pursue my dreams as a business owner, I researched healthcare options so that I could remain covered. I am a young and extremely healthy individual who needs no medications. I was looking into health insurance just in case anything happened to me and I needed emergency care. As I was doing my research, I found many plans in the eighty to ninety dollar range that fit my needs. I kept these affordable health care plans in mind as I put together a budget for my new business.

When I was ready to launch my business and left my full time job, I went to the marketplace online in early December 2013 to research what types of healthcare I could receive through the government before following up on my original plan to purchase the healthcare coverage I had budgeted for previously. I completed the application at the site and since I was making no income from the new business, I was notified that I may be eligible for Medicaid and that someone would be contacting me shorty.

I was not contacted “shortly”. A month and a half later, in mid January, I was contacted with instructions on what I should do next to apply for Medicaid in Arizona. I followed the directions I was given and applied through the Health-e-Arizona website and I was denied Medicaid. My new business had only been going for two months and it still was not generating revenue. The few freelance projects I picked up to cover rent was not enough to decline me Medicaid, so I thought there was a mistake. I called Health-e-Arizona only to receive a message that they were too busy and to call back later then I was disconnected. I tried again with the same result. So I waited a couple days, called again, same thing. And for a fourth time a week later, I was hung up on yet again since they were “too busy” to take my phone call for help.

Frustrated, I decided to follow my original plan and purchase affordable health care that I had bookmarked from November only now, in early February, the price had gone up almost twice as much. The same emergency health insurance plans were now $150 or more a month. To continue my business with that extra cost would not fit into my budget so I had no choice but to continue calling the organization that continually disconnected me.

Finally, in mid February I got through and was able to apply again for Medicaid. Once I completed the application, I was notified that it would be reviewed and I would be contacted on whether my application was approved.

A month later, in mid March, I still had not heard anything. Fearing that I would be taxed for not having health insurance if I did not get a response soon, I called again to make sure they had received my application. Turns out, they had a record of my application but had lost it somehow. So I applied again over the phone. I was confident that I would get aid after my phone call with a pleasant attendant, however on April 2nd, I received a letter stating I was declined Medicaid. Two days after open enrollment closed.

Now I am stuck with no healthcare at all and I cannot even apply for a plan until next November. In addition to not having a plan because of the slow response of these new organizations, I now have to pay a tax for not having health insurance even though I did everything in my power and within my means to get it.

I am very disappointed in my government. I am also sad that such a good idea in affordable healthcare for all was wasted. It was twisted and altered to create more expensive plans, hurting small businesses and those who wish to follow their constitutional right of pursuing happiness.

That is my story and experience with the “Affordable Care Act” and now I must urge you to take a stand against it and please do whatever you can with your fellow congressmen and women to repeal it so small business owners can get real affordable healthcare at the prices quoted before the new year.

Thank you for your time.
Jeremiah Craig

If you have had a similar experience with the “Affordable Care Act” please write your representatives. We’re the only ones who can encourage a fair healthcare proposal that actually lives up to its name.



Jeremiah Craig
I. M. H. O.

Independent Singer/Songwriter and Balladeer who loves music, tech, boots, space, beer, and wine.