Email Overload: Email vs Social

Rehan Wijetunge
I. M. H. O.
Published in
1 min readMay 10, 2013

Businesses are so dependent on email today that it’s unlikely that social-based-collaborative tools can compete largely because many suffer from email overload which locks people onto a system.

Yes, we all agree that email can do with an upgrade, but even with that, people seldom stray to possible solutions because they may break convention, and that can severely lower our response times at least in the short term and that’s the fear.

According to Jonathan B. Spira who’s research on email overload is widely known, a quarter of your most productive time during the day, your morning is spent shuffling through heaps of email leading to exhaustion and frustration resulting in less that 5% of the day spent on reflection and thinking which is astonishing low for a knowledge worker.

This exhaustion and frustration means that people just don’t have the time or energy to be open to possible solutions which is why that unless email overload is fixed, businesses will continue using email and the phone to handle their communication for the next decade.

First published on my blog at

Rehan’s Mail Project - Email Overload: Email vs Social



Rehan Wijetunge
I. M. H. O.

Startup enthusiast, software engineer, dreamer :D Progressively taking Email to v2.0 via