Kevin Gates/

Between Keef and Gates: A new era for the Young Black Male?

The Zimmerman Trial Opens Up Old Wounds, But doesn’t solve the problem of how families, culture, and the nation at large view these men.

Novid Houellebecq
I. M. H. O.
Published in
6 min readJul 19, 2013


There is a sad truth coming to America, and the realization that not just the Right, but the Left has conspired in earnest to put young men into boxes.

It effects black men, worse.

How would one feel if you were told that you would be treated differently by the time your between 10 and 15 years old?

We have an Attorney General who said this to his own son. (and in a way, explains the reasons why he will not go after the banks, the issues with the borders etc)

We have many parents of different ethnicity who say these things to their children.

But rightly or wrongly, they have put their young men into chains.

You have black females — who Larry Elder in a recent Interview with Piers Morgan — compared Rachel Jantell to a weak willed person who was one of the reasons why black men have left women like her in large droves mind you; convinced that the world is out to get black men — do everything outside of murder to have a kid with another of the same race — regardless if they like each other or not. Even major R&B acts like Jill Scott have stated these remarks.

They have put these men in chains.

Lets look at the media who promotes the men in 6 million ways. Music promotes them as tough, devil may care. And women of all races regardless of what many changes have taken place with feminism love and crave a man who can hold his own in the bed sheets and on the streets.

But what about his emotions?

How about his intelligence?

You see it in pornography (in which most US producers of such ilk are still a majorly racist enterprise, which if there hiring practices and actions continues, these 1970's tropes they use in selling these works will see itself lose out to a mixture of Japanese “eroge” and Neo-Gen Sexual fetishes (such as Pawing/Furry, Scene etc) where the white female (or any type of female mind you) hair is messed up, or shown in a face that is so Photoshopped to the nth degree. The same media who in TV rarely puts young men in a good light, but the older black male as sage etc. And lets not talk about how as the late Dwane McDuffie said about comics:

“When there is more than three black characters, the comic is considered a black comic.”

And how about sports? Greatness protected, but sins under the greatest microscope.

And the rarity of such minds as Neil Dyson and others.

The media puts young men in chains.

How about society? The parents of these young men, remove freedom from their whole environment outside of giving them a name.

The schools react to these kids differently than other kids. They even created the whole concept of the “Charter School” as a reason to continue the crux of being “treated differently” (we now realize that there is no such need for Charters, if we are bringing the corporate world into schooling, while the media companies and advertisers are denied access when it deals with the Children's TV Act of 1991 concerning advertising towards children). Jobs are harder to come by because of the name given to these well meaning parents make it easier to be eliminated from being hired, regardless of degree.

How about the incarnation rates, mostly for drugs. Stop and Frisk? Its goes on and on.

Chains, Chains Everywhere in every part of his mind, heart and now soul.

So can everybody see how much society hides its biases towards these boys? How every single one of these chains holds them behind in this country? Instead of proving we are “Post Racial”, we have proved that these biases are the very basis of how the culture is run.

And now, the chickens — Au contrare — have come home to roost.

They come in the forms of two men, Chief Keef (Keith Cozart), and Kevin Gates. Both coming from the two cities who history in the Blues is well known.

Chief Keef (Left) with friend Tadoe

Keef, now 17; got his claim to fame from surviving a standoff with Chicago’s Police Department. Once out of Juvenile Detention, his mixtape “Back From The Dead” with the hit “I Dont Like” gave him props from Kanye West (he later used that hit, with several other acts — on the Mercy EP) and a certain amount of fame.

Kevin Gates, started in 2009, with “All That” started off slowly. But recent hits from the “Luca Braca Story” mixtape and his recently released videos such as “4:30"am — for his first Album “Stranger than Fiction.”

These two men, even though with checkered pasts, are breaking the psychological chains (even if its for a little while) that the rest of society — maybe even the rest of the world have placed on these men.

And so, the young men — a majority black — but others of many races, feeling some type of way, vibe with the world view of both Gates and Keef. The “Purple” flows, the women are there, but never stay long.

The cars are faster.

The beats and electronic samples are from industries long since dead and remade into advertisers marketplaces. The view is of a world that has made them out to be unchained, scary, harbingers of doom to a nation that has continued to deny them their basic right to work, and to have what others seem to get easily.

Nevertheless, in order to change these young men who “Glorify” these two young men around the same age — needs other men, with their biases cleared, their knowledge needed, the teaching of respect desperately wanted.

It happened before. It was Pat Summerall helping Michael Irvin.

That’s the way, this issue will end.

But of course, there is only one of those men and hes passed into the next life.

There many others, like Irvin who came from the streets.

And nobody, not the Government who tracks all of us, the State that taxes all of us to ruin, the local municipalities who would rather have younger families with younger children instead of the teens with the baggy pants, not the well meaning parents who put a early curse on their young sons with the knowledge that you will always be treated as some sort of lesser because of your skin, not the media who praise the prowess but damn our existence in the same breath and the women in these men’s lives who wish for commitment and will do everything to get it, will do anything to stop these trends.

Because, as long as they continue to do “hes never going to be good enough” song and dance “until he conforms to our will”, they will continue to keep putting these young men in chains.

These groups of conspirators do this at their own and the countries peril.

Because Keef and Gates will gladly take them off, and take them into a new type of liberation that you may not like to see, but maybe in a paradoxical way, their voices were the only ones to say to these young men — you matter.

Because in their eyes, quoted by another Rapper, Zodiac MF:

“Fuck Damnation and Fuck Redemption…”



Novid Houellebecq
I. M. H. O.

Animation Historian, Social Critic, Creator of Garou Gothic ENT, Shadowscopes TV LTD, Triune Puer Publishing/Media. Contact Me at