Carrier Pigeons

Someday they will be extinct.

David Aron Levine
I. M. H. O.
Published in
1 min readJun 27, 2013


We lived in a world with carrier pigeons and one printing press and 3 TV stations.

We couldn’t even speak the language much less peek behind the curtain.

And somehow innovation started crushing silicon into smaller pieces and words into bytes and electrons and all of us connected together.

Along the way institutions were constructed. Big behemoth institutions to carry the pigeons and kill the trees to deliver us each printed pages repeating the same thing that the local radio dial repeated.

And today we drive by these buildings built for an era where things were bigger and slower. Before the electricity connected our fingertips to words through super computers in all of our pockets.

Before the magic sent ideas flying through the air to far away places to people we never even knew existed in an instant.

They had a revolution in the Middle East last year because the printing press is over.

Imagine what will happen when carrier pigeons are finally extinct.

