Winter is coming, © Reinier Ladan

Press publish for improvement

Get your covfefe out of my fidget spinner
I. M. H. O.
1 min readMay 16, 2013


All things can be made better. Rembrandt’s The Night Watch, Michelangelo’s David or Donna Summer’s This Time I Know It’s For Real, nothing is truly perfect. All things can be made better.

But for a lot less ambitious stuff something is always holding me back from pressing the publish button. Articles, little tech projects, dribbble shots. It needs to be perfect before I can let it go.

Not publishing at all is probably the biggest mistake you can make. Even the worst articles written made the writer better by publishing it. Not only the feedback will make you a better writer, the fact alone that it’s there — out in the open — will make you look a different way to the things you create.

And while the internet is full of bullshit, it’s still not over capacity. There is always a place for more bullshit, and bullshit is always something you can improve on.

Press publish and press it often. Turn your bullshit into fertilizer.

