Dear Microsoft, you should be doing this for me

Everyone’s telling Microsoft what they should be doing. This is my contribution.

I. M. H. O.
2 min readAug 20, 2013


I’ll start off by disclosing that I’m a bit of a Microsoft fan boy. I think Windows 8 is an awesome OS and don’t miss the Start Menu one bit. I’m happier with my new Lumia 620 than I was with my Sony Xperia Z and have been a Tablet PC user since 2003 (when I launched

Please note that these are me-centered suggestions. The purpose here is not to help Microsoft find its lost mojo and beat Apple and Google, but to service three of my needs:

Turn Surface RT into a portable Windows Office device

Limit its purpose and apps even more so that its focus is strictly Office plus Internet Explorer for browsing, accessing SaaS software and media consumption.

Keep it simple and you will have more time and resources to develop a kick-ass product. Yes, I’m suggesting you go niche… but a MASSIVE one.

Apps would be limited to additional modules for office and integration pieces with existing systems.The Start Screen would provide a what’s happening view across apps and systems via their live tiles.

Also, get a stylus working too. For the sake of OneNote (which should be as popular as Evernote) and to work seamlessly across the Office products. Your handwriting recognition is a killer feature. Get it in there before Apple does the same.

Host a safe online community

As I grow older and more conservative I’m becoming increasingly convinced that there is room in the market for a community where content is family friendly and legal.

Just like YouTube but without the violent videos, sex, offensive comments and blatant copyright theft.

Just like Faceook minus the shared beheading videos, bullying and racist groups.

Just like Instagram but without teenagers posing as porn stars.

I’m a family man and would be more than happy to pay for the privilege of a safe online environment.

Build a Family Management System

Andthinking about family-centric functions and environments, there are thousands of apps to help us run our businesses, big and small. You should know…

But not much out there for helping manage family life, which can be just as complex. Sure, you can get apps for shopping lists, budgeting and entertainment. I’m thinking more in line of a Facebook type experience but with specific family-managment functionality.

For example, a market for household chores where kids can apply for doing the dishes and get paid for their efforts.

Or a dispute resolution function underpinned by set rules where family members play different roles in resolving a problem.

This would be a system that would plug into Microsoft device’s family control settings so that a ‘no internet for a week’ ruling in the FMS would be enforced at a click of a button.

That’s it, please have it done by the end of 2014.

